
I suppose that homeschooling brings more respect into the teenagers, since at school they do not accept it, do

by  |  earlier

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, do they?

i mean the school does not convince them not to wear s**y clothes and have s**y attitude at a childish age..of 15-18..

the school does not convince themn not to speak to one another as if they are the master of one another..

so the fact that some are homeschooled..brings more respectful;l attitude between teenagers and people generally..

they will see that a girl is home schooled and it would be difficult to seduce her...

other will see that they know just by sight that girl..and they won't afford to tell her..with your hair done this way you look lkike a w***e..although top me it looked chiuldish..because it was a fashion from past times..especially..when that girl is not a w***e..

one over the other at it is said in a keeping the girls homeschooled we will save their innocence..and they will marry better




  1. This is a reportable rant.

  2. I think homeschooling helps build respect because the family unit is strengthened and preserved, and the children are not exposed to as much negative socialization.

    Here's some information you may want to check out:

    Hope this helps!

  3. Now that I've managed to make sense of this rambling, I have to disagree. I don't dress like a ****, but I do dress in a feminin way. I wear clothes in styles and colors that complement my body while still expressing my individuality. (I don't wear what everyone else is wearing, dont shop for lables, or follow current fon trends. I wear what I think looks good and feels good and is still practical) Being homeschooled doesn't mean I dress conservatively. It just means I dress like an individual and don't wear something simply because all the other other girls do.

    As for s*x. homeschooling only affected that in the sense that I have a lot more confidence in myself (not simply in my body, but in myself as a whole, mind, body, personality) I am also better informed about s*x. I wouldn't just take the word of some gossipy girl or "persuasive" boy who says you can't get pregnant if you do this, that, or the other thing when really it's jsut a myth. In addition to this I have a much more open relationship with my mother, and we are able to talk about things like this openly. We talked about birth control, pregnancy, STD's, condoms, and general s*x ed. I am on birth control, and there is nothing wrong with that. I feel I am well informed and emotionally stable enough to make a mature decision about such things...and this is at least partly because of my homeschooling.

  4. yea homeschooling  i guess makes the person more boring and less worldly i suppose and unprepared for the real world

  5. I believe your right,

    With homeschooling, Students won't be worring about a zit, their hair being "amazing", tight pants, or small shirts, most popular clothes...etc... and will beable to focus more on the subjects that matter, thats getting your education

    Although regular highschool teaches many many things all people should know about the real world, such as deadlines, how to treat others, makes you tougher than homeschooling would.

    Even with all of these aspects, I still believe homeschooling is best as long as the parents arn't too protective and actually talks to their child not as their kid, but as a young adult.

  6. Homeschooled kids are probably more respected because their parents tend to give them respect and they then expect it from others.  

    As far as being about to tell by clothes or hairstyle, that is bunk.  I've seen fashionable homeschooled kids.  They are human :D

    I don't know that they will marry better or even how to determine what is better.  That's so subjective.  

    Being homeschooled doesn't preserve innocence, it allows for living in the world, not the classroom.  There is plenty of impurity to be exposed to in life.


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