
I suppose the monarchy has one use, it gives the knee benders and toadies some purpose in life?

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I suppose the monarchy has one use, it gives the knee benders and toadies some purpose in life?




  1. If that makes you sleep better at night, keep thinking that.

  2. True- but it gives Her Majesty's armed forces a leader to fight to the death for.

    And be certain that all armed forces will fight first for the Queen, not some grubby uppity commoner with their little Maoist Red Book squealing for Revolution.

    We soldiers love our Queen- and she loves us back.

  3. You must have been snubbed at one of the Royal gatherings you seem to be a very bitter person

  4. It also gives oicks like you a purpose in life.

  5. Please note that a troll has stolen my identity for his own devious purposes.

  6. better go take your medicine. remember what the doctor said

  7. Is this all you can do, troll? you must lead a terrible life.

  8. The whole monarchy thing in England also provides a multi-zillion dollar tourist attraction. I mean, where would the whole tacky souvenir industry be without an outlet for coffee mugs with pictures of the queen and her whole dysfunctional family on them...and the coasters and memorial cricket balls and all. We're talking total economic meltdown here. England cannot survive just on maps of the underground system . Leave the monarchy alone!

  9. Do you think that it would be any different with a President, or even a certain retired PM.

    If you are going to be one of those tiresome anti-Monarchist obsessives, please try to explain why you feel like that, rather than giving us blind prejudiced rhetoric.

  10. Not having any personal antipathy towards her maj, but the monarchy is a dreadfully outdated institution which needs to go.

  11. I don't bend my knee or toady to anyone.I do  however,respect those who deserve it,a totally different matter entirely. namdam,you bow before some mythical deity but not before a real person.We are thankful that you are not British,we have enough overseas c**p here already.

  12. it also gives fools like you something to ***** about...

  13. bowing before another person is so demeaning, so utterly moronic,  i thank the gods every day i wasnt born a briton

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