
I suppose to start my period no sign of it..I peeing alot today and i been getting sick at night and feel ?

by  |  earlier

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throwing up and my b***s are little bigger ..i honestly don;t know whats wrong ,,,I'm o 150mg on clomid and had a d&c on july29 so i don;t know what wrong with me?? please help




  1. How about see a doctor. But..imo it may be some of those "women hormones" going nuts like always.

  2. you could be alergic to the medication  

  3. Are you pregnant?

  4. Change your diet.

    No junk-food, cut down the meat, no smoking, no softdrinks.

    Drink a lot of water and eat a lot of raw vegetables.

    Please, take a look at this.. it's for your own good:

  5. Do take a home pregnancy test and see your doctor asap. Missed period + sore b***s +throwing up may be signs of pregnancy. I know women who have conceived soon after D&C. Good luck and take care!

  6. could you be pregnant?

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