
I survived a stroke & breast cancer, now my 21 yr. domestic partner has left me. I feel terrible!?

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How do I feel good after all of this? He left for a younger girl. I am 52 years old. How do I start over? I just recently went on disability after resigning from my job as a nurse most of my life. I walk with a cane or walker because of the stroke. I had a right modified radical mastectomy. I have gained a lot of weight from meds even though I cook and eat good healthy foods. (May be menopause, too!) Exercise is difficult related to the stroke. When I get settled in my new place I am going to start an exercise regimen. Everything "she" does is perfect in his eyes. I am 10 years older than he is and 20 years older than her. I'm so sick over this and when I talk to him I cry and beg him to come back and generally make myself look pathetic even though I am a smart woman. He was a very heavy drinker all of our partnership but I stayed. Now he has slowed his drinking because she is "helping" him. When I tried to help, I was a nag, a b...., etc. Our children are grown but one is still a teenager. Any answers would be much appreciated! Thanks!




  1. all I can say  is I"m sorry!

  2. If you survived both of those, you can survive this. She may be "perfect in his eyes" for now, but he will soon get tired of her, and leave her for someone else. He's an idiot, plain and simple. Find someone worthy of your time.  

  3. You know God wont ever give us more than we can handle. You have overcome sickness that many haven't. Be grateful for that gift and appreciate life. So what this sorry man left you, consider it a gift. Honey don't beg anymore, it was never meant for a woman to beg for a man. Look at the future in a positive light, you have your life, you are about to move into a new place. Redecorate, get rid of the old in with the new. God bless you and trust me God will be with you.

  4. May  The  Good  LORD,s HELP  Always be with you

  5. I would, get a hobby, join a club, get involved at church, just do something !

    and mabey see a counselor?

  6. I don't know.  I just think he's a waste of time.  He doesn't sound like a guy with the kind of character that I would want.

  7. He showed his true colors. You are better off without him

    Trust me prayer. God can make you whole again.

    You may have to get a divorce and get some spousal support and child support.

  8. i will pray for you my of luck. hang in there, you sound like a fantastic woman

  9. sweaty you already survive the worst that shows that your a very strong women i know its very hard what your going thru but if you already won all those battles you think you cant win this one. Right now what you have to do is concentrate on you your health and your self his not worth it your still young. only one thing i need to tell you only the strong survive and your a SURVIVOR!just remember time heals everything give your self time.

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