
I suspect animal abuse, but cannot prove it. Please help.?

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Hello. I live in an apartment in the city, and I'm an animal lover. The walls where I live are paper thin. The neighbors are teenagers, man and wife, and have 2 young dogs. They originally had one dog (miniature dachshund), which they would leave on the balcony all day, in a 2 foot by 2 foot cage. The dog eventually climbed out one day and jumped off the 2nd floor balcony, miraculously surviving. They got rid of that dog, and recently got 2 other young dogs.

On a daily basis, I hear the dogs yelping, accompanied by loud bangs on the wall. The dogs do not yelp through the night, or randomly. They only yelp when I can obviously tell they are either being thrown around the apartment, or hit. I can hear him yelling sometimes as well while they are yelping. They are obviously being abused, yet I have no physical proof, and they only take them out once in the evening it seems, never long enough to get a close look. I only want to involve law enforcement if something will result from it. I am not afraid to confront them, but how do you say "Hey do you abuse your animals?" It tears us apart every time we hear them yelp and hear the walls reverberate. Please help with some wise and prudent advice.




  1. I really feel for you, it's a horrible situation to be in.  

    I wouldn't confront the owners as this could flare up and make things worse.  Don't listen to Bunnie E, this is against the law and likely to get you in serious trouble!

    Report them to your local humane society/RSPCA/ASPCA as soon as you can, they don't need proof to investigate, but if you can document dates and times, and possibly get tape recordings this will only help the case against these monsters next door.  

    Good luck, I hope for the dog's sake this is sorted out asap.  

  2. If I were you, I would set up a recorder right next to your wall.

    Or while the neighbors are out, I know this is trespassing, but if your certain their both out, go into their apartment and look for evidence of abuse such as marks on the dogs.

    if so, theres your evidence, then cal lanimal control, and tell them what you suspect, and show the tape, and say you think you've seen markings on the dogs.

    Then let them take care of it, but don't let them know you acctually went into the apartment.

  3. I would contact animal control and tell them exactly what you told us. You don't need any more proof than that- if you suspect animal abuse, I think they would be willing to come check out the situation.

    It's best to contact them now, before the animals are abused any more.

  4. OMG CALL THE ASPCA IMMEDIATELY AND REPORT THEM!!!!! They can tell if they have been abused or not. GOOD LUCK!!!

  5. If you have a concern please contact ASPCA. I don't think you need physical proof, tell the officer that you constently hear "BANG! yelp yelp yelp" and you can also use the balcony story in the report as suspicion of neglect.

    They will keep you annonymous, but you can also request to be informed on the outcome, out of concern for the dogs. That way you'll know when and if action is being taken. They'll probably come and look at the dogs. If they don't take them away then at least hopefully it'll open their eyes that they are mistreating their pets. If nothing is done about it and the situation continues or worsens it'll look bad on their record if you ever report them again.

  6. Report them to the authorities, either the animal control officer or the humane society, whatever your city has set up.  You can usually do this anonymously.  You don't need to provide the proof; that's what the authorities are there for.  

  7. Hi hun,

    You really don't have to go to them to ask about theyr abused dogs. I would talk to animal services. Tell them what you believe is happening and be sure to sustain your statement. You could record a video with all the noises you hear or you can even use your cell phone to do this. Tell animal services about their previous dog. They will nderstand that if you have a dog is definitely not to have it caged in the balcony, that right there is abusive. Everyone knows dogs can overheat and die immediatelt if left like that in balconies and roofs.

    Perhaps, if you go to them things may not change. If you involve the law, however, then it will definitely help your concern and the dogs. I am also an animal lover and I HATE animal abusers. I wish they would all go to the same place, a big cage where they can get the same treatment see how they like it.

    Call animal services and tell them what you hear. They will do something about it. it as soon as possible. God knows what kind of life those poor things are living....

  8. Call RSPCA.

  9. Well on the animal planet channel they have like real life pet cops and they will go in and inspect the dogs to look for lacerations or injuries.  I would call your aspca and make a complaint.

  10. I used to live in a apartment and this happened to me...

    It's heartbreaking I know.

    I would (if possible) voice record it. My dad got a 10 dollar voice magnifier that came with earphones. He put it up next to the wall and put the voice recorder next to the voice magnifiers earphones.

    He went to the SBCA animal shelter and gave them the tape and address with his and his neighbors phone number, and the woman at the shelter took it straight to the SBCA animal abuse people.

    Hope I helped (and 10 dollars for the voice magnifier is worth saving two dogs LIVES).

  11. call your local animal shelter or the RSPCA

  12. You could tell them you hear the animal abuse and if it doesn't stop, you will turn them in.  Or you could go ahead and turn them in and let the authorities decide if it's abuse or not.  Good for you in protecting the animals that can't protect themselves!

  13. mind your own business, you might not know the truth, i too am an animal lover but i keep my head out of other peoples business. when i wrestle with my dogs it prolly sounds bad but its not at all.  unless you actually witnessed something with your own eyes, dont jump to conclusions.

  14. Call your local ASPCA and let them investigate


    let them investigate!


    dont let them die!

  16. Are you for real call animal control no way could i hear that go on

  17. Try to go over to their apartment or get close to the dogs (maybe offer to walk them) . If you can't, call someone (like the ASPCA) and tell them you just want to make sure some dogs are ok. Better safe than sorry.

  18. Oh man thats tough .... look at this

    hope it gets sorted out, my cat has made friends with a cat whos always in my garden ovbiously being abused in a way that they dont feed it and his tail seems to be fallin off he might just be ill but its heartbreakin so i feed him

    i hope you get to the bottom of it x

  19. I would call your local humane society or spca, or ask the police who to call. You dont need definite proof, an investigation cn be done based on your story. I would start calling people immediately, but dont say anything to your neighbors, let the professionals do it. But please call asap.  

  20. Call the ASPCA, they will give you some advice, also keep a diary writing everytime something you expect is abuse happens.

    Try to get pictures of the dogs..if they are skinny or if they areleft on the balcony.. with no food or water.

    Just little things like this will build up to more significant evidence, but get in touch with the ASPCA and they will deffo help.

    Thank you for trying to help them, i wish more people would.

  21. you have to alert the proper people.  If they are abusing their animals, they probably wouldn't own up to it.  Call the police tell them you hear obvious signs of distress, follow up with you local spca.  You should be able to do this without revealing your name, but myself I'd want them to know and that they didn't get away with it

    Good Luck and thanks for doing the right thing

  22. You should have involved the authorities while you had proof when they had the mini dachshund in the 2 x 2 ft cage. You had proof then. You could still call animal control and talk to someone about what you hear and see if they can investigate them. You can also bring up the dog on the balcony.

    As for reporting that your neighbor is beating his wife, that is a false statement that is a punishable offense, plus you could get sued by your neighbor.

  23. Call the police and say it sounds like the guy next door is beating his wife.

    Call the humane society or another animal rescue to ask for their help and assistance.

    Call your landlord, explain about the loud noises and see if they're even allowed to have two dogs in the first place.

    I wouldn't confront them face to face, things could get really volatile and physical.

  24. I recently reported an act of animal abuse of people I know. Google animal abuse or contact your local Humane Society. I googled it and it gave me a lot of good people to contact. I got in touch with the right man with PETA and Animal Rights and he is hopefully going to take care of the problem. Good luck to you- I'm glad you care enough to take charge and help those poor dogs!

  25. First, you may want to contact the local animal shelter and ask them for their advice.  You may even have to call animal control, because sometimes they can step in if animals are not being taken care of.

    In the meantime, I would document everything as well.  Keep a written record of every incident, including time of day,  day of the week, and what specifically you heard/observed.

    If all else fails, you could call the police department (not 911), and ask their advice.

    Good luck.

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