
I suspect someone has replaced my normal cereal with Super Colon Blow, how can I tell for sure?

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I suspect someone has replaced my normal cereal with Super Colon Blow, how can I tell for sure?




  1. Hershey squirts.

  2. You know, it may not have been the cereal at all.

    I mean you're so full of was only a matter of time before it HAD to come out.

    Just be glad it's coming from that end..instead of the mouth. Nothing worse than verbal diarrhea as you well know.


  3. if your legs are numb and you're still going... you might have ingested a massive dose of fiber  

  4. lol..ooooh you'll be able to tell soon enough..hahahaha

  5. Stay in the restroom just to be safe.

    *slowly backs away*

  6. When you c**p your pants, that is a dead giveaway!

  7. i think that was more info then i wanted to know.  

  8. Just eat it until it's gone.  You proably need a good colon cleanse.  You will feel so much better soon.

  9. Leakage, and the 10 foot run to the bathroom is the longest, most grueling, and stressful 10 feet of your life.

  10. You''l know by how much TP it takes to get clean again.  

  11. Ho boy, if you're pooping a lot you'll sure know. LMAO

  12. If your underwear starts to smell like Buk's.

  13. 1) Get on your knees, naked.

    2) Arch your back

    3) Spread your cheeks

    4) Cough

    If the back wall has a coverage rate of less than 50%, you need to eat more of that cereal.

  14. Really, do you have the runs?  I would have thought you'd like a morning blow.  My bad.

  15. check under the rim of the seat, for evidence.

    and i hope that means you had an excellent labor day.  

  16. Just ew! I hope you clean your own toilet bowls.

  17. You must take a stool sample to your Dr. and drink lots of liquids to avoid dehydration or just give some to the dog and see what happens.

  18. If you have uncontrollable anal spewage all over the walls of your office, tis a safe bet that you've snarfed down a bowl of Super Colon Blow.

  19. did it look like a bunch of horse pills floating in your milk.

  20. Check for Mudflaps!!! LMAO

  21. Buk (Panarchy) .... you are my hero lol

    But honestly, if you're leaving skid marks everywhere you sit, id take that as a good indication

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