
I swalloed a peice of metal its basicly like a nut will that do harm to me :(( please telllll me

by Guest64693  |  earlier

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I swalloed a peice of metal its basicly like a nut will that do harm to me :(( please telllll me




  1. If it's like a Mercury or gold filling or spacer then that's really bad. I recommend drinking a tea that will help you use the washroom. You should be able to get one at a Health Food Store. Good Luck!

  2. If it was actually swallowed, at some point you will pass it.

    You should be on the lookout for whatever it was, and if it is not passed, you will need to see your doctor to advise what will be done.

  3. I swallowed the hat from monopoly when i was about 12 , went to the ER , they took a x-ray and sure enough it was in my belly , told me if i didnt pass it in a week or so i would have to have it removed , i had to take a coat hanger and dig in my p**p untill it came out... u should be ok

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