
I swear this is serious... PLZ HELP?

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I'm 18 year old girl I took 6 tablets of Panadol 15 min ago and I dont have headache or anything.. i took it cause i'm so fed up and i was so sad and my dad was yelling at me.. and i just hate this life

Am I gonna be okay??? plz help me





  1. you should be ok...but I would drink a great deal of water to help your body metabolize the panadol so it doesn't damage your liver.

  2. Call a doctor, or ER.

    Dont hate your life.

  3. Dilute it! Drink a lot of water to dilute it, because it'll be a lot worse for you if you don't.

    Since it could be serious, get evaluted for poisoning and liver/kindey failiure. If your fine, well then great. Panadol damages the liver, just like alcohol, and not eating or diliuting it will make the damage a lot worse. It could take a few days to stop feeling sick, but hopefully your liver will recover. The effects of the poisoning might not show up for a few day, and the risk is death. I think your best bet is going to the hospital, but no one can decide for you.

  4. You probably will get away with it, though you will feel sick and have a sore stomach. However, there is the possibility of liver damage depending on how bad the overdose was - I'm not an expert, so by all means if an expert gives conflicting advice, ignore mine.

    Drinking water, as someone suggested, may be a good idea. If you feel a lot of pain, you probably should go to hospital to get checked out to make sure you are okay.

    I also have two other things to say: things can be tough in life, but really this is not the way to deal with it. I mean think about it, I don't even know you yet when I read your question I did some urgent research on the net to see if you'd be okay, or if you'd need to get help. So if that's how I - a complete stranger - reacted, think about how people around you would feel if you had actually done yourself any damage.

    You're certainly better than the unsympathetic, heartless b******s in here who didn't try to help you but just thought it'd be appropriate to hurl insults your way. They'd better seriously hope they never feel down if that's the way they think people should be treated in this situation. I also dislike the people who are trying to take advantage of you right now by either advertising their paid service or spreading their stupid religious ideas. Maybe rather than taking advantage of someone who is clearly in distress, you should actually have the decency to try to help her.

  5. u should probably go to the ER and take the pills you took with you.

  6. Rite, this is not good at all. Get yourself straight to the hospital right NOW, take the tablets with you and explain what has happened. Hopefully, they can help before it's too late. You seriously need to get help. To me it sounds like you're going through bad times and you need to speak to someone. Talk to a friend or a trusted adult. Even better get professional help. Don't suffer in silence, ask for the help you need. Good luck!

  7. Although, Panadol is not yet marketed in the States, I quickly researched it. I think for only 6 pills you will be okay. Physically, anyway... emotionally, I think you should seek help. I am here for you. I'm a licensed psychiatrist, and if you wish to talk to me (pro-bono, of course), please contact my personal e-mail so that I may give you my personal number to call. You seem to be over-emotional, and reacting in a negative way. This too will pass!

  8. if u think these watever they r might hurt u and u want to keep it on the down low...i wuld force urself to throw up asap just to get them out of ur sysstem....and btw dont hurt urself it only makes things worse

  9. You will probably be ok but you may experience an upset stomach.  I would make an appt with a counselor or therapist to get help with the underlying issues that brought you to this point.  And remember God loves you!

  10. youll be fine, (:

    sorry boutcha dad :(


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