
I sweat a lot under the arms?

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when it's like 80+ degrees I'll start to sweat under the armpits. And it'll show through my shirt. I used axe/tag...spray and roll on. What should I do? Any better deodarants? Will shaving pit hairs be better? What should I do?




  1. Well deodorants don't prevent sweating. Deodorant is designed to hide the smell of sweating. Antiperspirants can reduce the amount you sweat, but some can have health side effects. I personally would stay away from them. Shaving doesn't prevent sweating either, but it can help some with the problem in a different way. Hair holds the sweat, stays wet, and causes odor. Shaving allows the sweat to dissipate which helps keep your armpits dryer, allows deodorant to make better contact, and reduces odor.

    I would try shaving and see if it helps you. I find it works well from my personal experience.

  2. I tend to sweat a lot also and have found that the clear stick (not gel) antiperspirants work a lot better for me than the white flaky deodorant sticks.  Oh and no shaving arm pit hairs will not work, and is just not cool for a man to do.  

  3. Certain Dri-Over the counter best stuff ever!  

  4. The most effective deoderant is Mitchum

    Axe and Tag stink as deoderants (excuse the pun)

    Try Mitchum out..and if that doesn't work than ask your doc to write you a prescription

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