
I swim about 35-40 minutes per day (5-7days/week) is that enough for cardio/weight loss?

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I'm not a fast swimmer, but I don't stop. I also lift weights for about 25 minutes prior.




  1. Yes, that's a good amount for weight loss and for weight maintenance.  The key is to not gorge on calories.  If you maintain the same number of calories but continue to exercise then you end up with a net calorie loss, which is how you lose weight.

    And that's a great amount of exercise.  It's the amount that most doctors say we should strive for.

  2. It all depends on your speed and your heart rate.  After swimming for 10 minutes, stop and count your heart rate.  To develop cardio strength, your HR should be, depending on your age, 120-150.

    However, many people have difficulty losing weight swimming as the fatigue rate is so high that people can't go long enough to lose.  

    If you look at high level swimmers, they are lean as can be.  However, they are swimming at the rate of about 4000 yards per hour and swim for 4 hours per day.  That's about 8 or 9 miles!  If you're getting in about 1 mile in 40 minutes, you'll likely lose a pound every week or two.  It will take a great deal of perseverance.

  3. Well it depends on if you are swimming to compete or just to lose weight. if your wanting to compete, thats not enough, probably around a couple hours everyother day would be good if you want to compete if you just want to do it to lose weight then I would swim about an hour to an hour and a half everyday!

  4. NO i swim three hours a day every day and I'm still fat.....My name is Chip

  5. thats more then you should.. try joging to?

  6. Uh yeah. That's an obvious question.

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