
I swim for about 20 minutes before I go to bed at night, how does this affect my body?

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I have a pool that is directly in front of my apartmen building, and I like to swim in it for about 20-30 minutes before I go to bed, how will this affect me in the long run.




  1. i swim for like two hours every other night and im still ok, it just helps you calm down and tire yourself to get ready to sleep

  2. It is good

    it will help you sleep

    its letting out energy

    the only way it effects is buy giving you muscles lmao idk

    and it can make you sore but not all the time

    hope this helped u

  3. It Helps you go to sleep... im in a hot house right now, and swimming sounds good. relaxing...

  4. nothing really just helps ur stamina

  5. It helps you to unwinded your tired and stressed out body. Helps those sore muscles that you had out though the long day that you had. and it calms you down.

  6. it is better to do it in the morning

  7. Overall, this makes you more relaxed, therefore you sleep better, therefore you get more sleep, and are generally more healthy :)

    As well, all the normal benefits of swimming apply. Increased strength, stamina, flexibility, etc.

    If the pool is properly maintained, and you wash afterwards (just a quick 2 minute shower will do) you should have no negative side effects.

  8. if its chlorine it might change your hair color if you swim in it too often

    other than that i doubt anything at all will happen

  9. Make you stronger, I guess

  10. Well for starters it should really help you go to sleep faster. Chlorine usually makes me sleepy and working out will do the same.

    And as far as long term effects, (if night after night of a good night's sleep isn't good enough) swimming is one of the best aerboic workouts you can do because your body doesn't understand why the movement is so much harder than it is outside of water...You're working everything, all muscles are being used. So your body allows you grow muscles faster in a pool because it thinks you need the muscle growth more than you do. It think you need the extra muscle to survive.

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