
I tailgate but is it any safer when someone slams on their breaks?

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I realize I tailgate on the highway mostly because the moment you leave a gap, someone scoots in to take it. So, I was close to this guys bumper and he had about 3 car lengths in front of him with nothing. I would have veered around him but he chose instead to slam on his breaks! Knowing that there are animals out there that do this, I was savvy enough to remain in control of my car.

But, the reasoning makes no sense. If you think i'm too close, because I may hit your car, why slam on your brakes? I pulled up next to this person and must have looked out of my mind because I was screaming this question out the window too him. Hopefully, he reads Yahoo Answers and can answer. Nonetheless, people ended up passing this high-maintenance driver. If you really get upset because i'm close to your bumper, dont look at me or get out of the way but DONT slam on your brakes. It can only kill me or worse, you and someone else. Also, people like this guy are the reason traffic is a problem. Agree?




  1. You should not be driving

  2. y'know, you sure wrote a lot up there to make an excuse and make it seem like you HAVE to tailgate!

    "If you think i'm too close, because I may hit your car, why slam on your brakes?"


    He wants/needs a new car.

    He also thinks he is doing the world a favor by cutting down on the gene pool.

  3. I don't like tailgaters because I don't know what's going on with them. It might be one of the following:

    1) They think they're going to get where they are going faster and they are risking an accident with me if I have to stop suddenly. How can I get them off my tail and remind them they won't get there any faster?

    2) They are basically asleep and don't know what they're doing. Are they going to hit me? How can I wake them up?

    3) They are purposely trying to annoy me. Maybe they find it entertaining but are they alert enough to not hit me if I have to stop. Are they on drugs or driving drunk? How can I get them off my tail without making things worse?

    4) They are just stupid and don't understand the physics of fast moving vehicles and the limitations of their brakes. I don't want to get hit from behind by a stupid driver.

  4. No it is very unsafe when someone slams on their brakes while being tailgated......

  5. I hope you die of AIDS you worthless human being. I'd slam on the breaks, and then pull you out of your car and smash your skull in with a tire iron for hitting me.

  6. The reason the person slammed on his/her brake is to give you a fright and to get you to stop tailgating. They are willing to do this because if you slam into the back of them it will be your fault when insurance comes around for being to close to them and they will collect from your "fault". I don't really think this is the reason traffic is a problem but it can be a cause.

  7. You are the definition of an a*****e

  8. Yea wat the otha guy said!

  9. Don't tailgate.  Tailgating causes someone to stop paying full attention to what is in front of them, which may cause them to hit the brakes more suddenly than if they were able to fully pay attention and not worry about you getting right up behind them.

  10. People slam on their brakes because they are pissed at you for riding their a**!  And if you hit them, it will be your fault because if someone is hit from behind it isn't their fault...

  11. if you know your tailgating why do it?yes someone will think they are special because you left that open space just for their pinhead to pull into.but is the extra stress really worth it?if by chance you do happen to hit him from behind you will be responsible for any damage caused to his car.its not worth it.just wait for your chance and pass sure he doesnt care if your blood pressure is thru the roof.half those idiots dont even know they are in the way and the other half dont care.they figure if they pay taxes for the road they can use whichever lane they want with nothing but disregard for other drivers.they are a pain in the butt but you will never get rid of them so you might as well deal with it.just turn the radio up and chill you will get there sooner  or later and with that guy it will be later.have a good day.

  12. I don't mean to be an a**!But i hope your airbags don't deploy after you slam into the guy!

    I would have slammed my brakes on to!Jerks like you are the reason we have accidents!I hope a cop rips your license up right in front of you!>:-(

  13. It is your fault 100 %.  If i have someone riding my bumper, i slam on my breaks to let them know i am unhappy about it.  The person behind is at fault so if i slam on the breaks and i get hit, i will get plenty of money out of it.  Who cares if someone fills a spot up.  If you that competetive or in that big of a hurry, get a plane ticket. I don't tailgate. There is no need. Technology hasn't figured out a way to drive through cars yet so why tailgate if you aren't getting anywhere?

  14. people like you are the reason traffic is a problem.

    my approach to tailgaters:

    Since you have selected the distance between our vehicles, then it is up to me to select the safe speed given the distance you have selected.

    So, I gradually decellerate.  No brakes, just gradual deceleration.  Now & again I'll speed back up, to see if you'll leave an appropriate space.  If not, we just keep slowing down.  I generally don't go slower than 15 or so anyway.

    I hope you become paralyzed from the neck down in a single-car accident before you kill someone.

  15. Ok, first things first, him hitting his brakes is the wrong thing to do, and illegal everywhere I've heard of it. It's basically intentionally trying to cause an accident.

    Now that's out of the way, and we can get on the real points. You came on here to try and find justification for the way you drive, namely: unsafe. You'll find some people (usually 16-21 hormonally induced males) who will take your side. But I digress.

    Tailgating is illegal and dangerous. If you want to run the risk of hitting someone, try wheel to wheel racing. Keep it off the highways. Not everyone tailgates, no matter how many times you say it.

    I agree with Mike S, and disagree with Joey B. Mike S has valid points, and Joey B is a troll. Moving on::

    Nothing I say will change the way you drive. Only a wreck (hopefully) will do that. Oh, and Heather C is correct, if you hit someone from behind while tailgating (whether the other person slams their brakes or not) it IS your fault. The law basically says that you should be able to "panic stop" (coming to a full stop from your current speed) before the person in front of you "panic stops". Granted, a stripped civic with brembos will outstop a loaded suburban, so that person could *theoretically* follow closer and still remain just as safe, but it's still illegal. What I said about the panic stops is the implication of the law, not the law. The law says: "Leave plenty of room", so you should do that.

    At any rate, I doubt you have a sub-2000lb car with $2000 brakes. So tailgate until you wreck; it's (unfortunately) the best way to learn. Quite possibly the only way for someone who says "I do have a latent homicidal rage within so dont mess with me buddy". You=big bucket o' fail.

  16. You need to go back to driving school.

  17. Hope you have a lot of money for new paint jobs, because if you tailgate me when I'm driving my tractor trailer you're going to get dusted.  Du***ss !

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