
I take 1200mg of ibeprophen every 6 hours about 3 or 4 doses a day. What are the dangers?

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What are the dangers and what are some alternatives? I'm 19 female with severe body aches that are debilitating if I don't take medicine




  1. Well, I don know that you are exceeding the recommended daily dose.

    Here's some ibuprofen info:

    Do not take more of this medication than is recommended. An overdose of ibuprofen can cause damage to your stomach or intestines. The maximum amount of ibuprofen for adults is 800 milligrams per dose or 3200 mg per day (4 maximum doses). Use only the smallest amount of ibuprofen needed to get relief from your pain, swelling, or fever.

    Take ibuprofen with food or milk to lessen stomach upset.

  2. You are gradually wearing down your liver. If you drink alcohol while you are taking that much ibuprofen, then you may want to get on a liver transplant list.

  3. Nikki,

    I'm terribly worried.  You must be very depressed to be going through this but here is my answer and its kind of long and I can only base it on the limitted info you've given, but I'm trying to help you be really informed and fast.

    Side affects of too much IB Profin cause aches and pains.  Your body doesn't know how to live without it and your liver could fail if you keep it up.

    Imagine the domino affect... Well, that is what is happening to every system of the body when you "mask" symptoms and don't get at the cause, which may be a dietary answer.

    The side affects of IB Profin or any medication can be found here and click on "Reference Library."

    My answer to you is this...

    It is an enzyme inhibitor.  All anti inflammatory drugs are enzyme inhibitors and all cause the same side affects, some faster than others. The fourth leading cause of death is drug interaction from "properly" prescribed drugs and its usually because someone mixed a prescription with an over the counter pain killer.  

    Read your warning labels!

    Enzyme inhibitors stops your cells from regenerating new ligaments, bone, and other tissues properly and you are contributing to loss of bone, ligaments and tissue.  Meaning, you are aging 30 years before your 21st birthday if you keep that up or... If you survive that long taking it like that.

    Enzyme inhibitors include any anti inflammatory drug, whether it be over the counter or prescription steroids.  They mask symptoms and exacerbate and even cause a disease or to make a disease even worse, such as creating a faster progression of osteopersosis and degenerative arthritis just so the person temporarily feels relief.

    That's like turning off the alarm when the fire is still raging!  That's simply not logical to make a person reliant on pain killers when the cause of the disease was not addressed in the first place... Which, doctors don't practice... They only practice treament and then unknowingly pass on intellectually biased information that there is no cure for auto immune disease, when there is.

    Talk about a great way to make unsuspecting people making the pharmaceuticals happy when all you really need to do is address the nutritional deficiency that is causing your symptoms in the first place.

    Welcome to the alternative world.  This alternative world is constantly being suppressed by the pharmeceutical industry, because we actually know what is safe, non toxic, and works.

    They bought the media, by the way.  If a news station attempted to tell us the truth, the employees would be black balled form the industry, so that's why their is a painted picture that alternatives are a bunch of cooky people... And the cooky people who are selling junk make us honest people look bad because they rely on the gullability of the ignorant.

    The simple truth?

    When cells restore themselves with the science of "proper" nutrition.... The body will improve dramatically and create a happy human being who is no longer dependent on medications.  

    I highly recommend that you subscribe to newsletters on natural healing and learn about your body and what there is available for you and take charge of your health.  

    The world is your oyster and what you learn, you can help pass on and heal others going through your struggle at 19.

    I am well networked with professional licensed healers in the complimentary world and well respected by the medical as well.  If I can't find an answer for you; I will find someone who can if you wish to discuss this.


  4. I take a lot of ibuprofen as well. Neither tylenol nor aleve has ever relieved my pain as well as ibuprofen does, and I have been taking ibuprofen in moderately large doses for quite some time.

    Then I started developing stomach problems: if my stomach is empty for too long, I get nauseous, and if I don't eat something fast enough I will throw up stomach acid. It started off as a very rare thing and a minor inconvenience, but eventually it got worse to the point where I was taking about five doses of pepto bismol every day and still had to be constantly aware of the condition of my stomach.

    I went to a Gastroenterologist (a specialist in stomach related medicine) five weeks ago, and he decided to perform an endoscopy (a procedure in which they put you to sleep and then insert a camera into your stomach to see what the problem is). He told me a week ago that my frequent use of ibuprofen has worn away at the lining of my stomach, causing increased acid production and reduced ability to properly neutralize that acid.

    I'm to stop taking ibuprofen immediately, and was told to take Prilosec OTC twice daily to help heal the significant damage done to my esophagus.

    Please, for your own safety, don't take that much advil. 1200 mg (6 pills) is three times the recommended dose per 4 hours, and one does that large is the maximum amount that you should be taking per 24 hours. If you are in that much pain, there is probably something seriously wrong, and you NEED to go to your doctor.

  5. Besides the damage it can do to your body, if you take it everyday (especially several times a day!) then your body becomes resistant to it, and the effects of it won't work anymore.

  6. kidney and liver your doctor

  7. Severe kidney damage. That much Ibuprofen will roast your kidneys.

    I had to take it for a long time and now my kidneys won't tolerate it anymore.

  8. The main one is stomach ulcers if you don't take them with food, but I'm not sure what any others are.

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