
I take 5 valium my friend gave me he says to make me stress out? is it true i just feel so slow last night?

by  |  earlier

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  1. You shouldn't take any meds your friends give you.  Only take medications your doctor prescribes.  You could have a serious reaction.  Feeling slow is only a minor effect.  Valium is also a very serious drug.  Please do not take it again.   I would hate for anything to happen to you!

  2. Yes it will make you relax and Valium is for Anxiety and Panic Attacks, but dont take 5 at once, 2 is fine and only 5mg. Not more.  

  3. Oh good God, what are you thinking?!?!? FIVE???? Sure you say "it feels good I don't worry and think about the problems i have", but when you come down, guess what? Those same problems will be there, and if you continue doing this, guess what-what?? You'll have yet ANOTHER problem on your hands... addiction! Have you ever experienced with-drawl to meds? It's HORRIBLE. Do yourself and your loved ones a favor and quit this reckless and immature behavior ...  

  4. isnt that what marilyn monroe oded on?

  5. Maybe you should stop taking it. Lol.

  6. you're high

    my friend only had 1 valium at the park the other day and she was singing about a key or something. If thats only 1 valium, then u are 5x higher

  7. It is my honest opinion that you must go to the Emergency Room now. That medication can stop you from breathing without you noticing it. DO NOT GO TO BED, GO TO THE ER. CALL YOUR FRIEND TO TAKE YOU NOW. NO QUESTIONS ASKED. YOUR FRIEND GAVE YOU A BAD DRUG TO TAKE. PLEASE, CALL SOMEONE TO TAKE YOU TO THE NEAREST ER. IF NOT, CALL 911 NOW. GO DO IT.

  8. They calm you down is all. And could slow you down as well.

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