
I take Cymbalta 120 mg but I stupidly took XTC and Crystal Meth, when can I resume my Cymbalta? ?

by  |  earlier

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I have always had a problem with drug abuse and alcohol. I have been sober for three years now, but my relationship ended last week and for some stupid, stupid reason I let my guard down for one second and called an old friend. I did a lot of meth (snorting and smoking), staying awake for 2 1/2 days and 2 tabs of XTC in there too. I know these all destroy your balance of seratonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine......Its Sat 4 am, I have eaten and slept a lot now. I missed my Cymbalta on Thurs(8/21) and Friday (8/22), when can I safely start it again? I am so condition is very physical, before the Cymbalta I had horrible numbness, tingling and pain in the right side of my head......a condition that began from a 6 day binge of meth in april 2005. If I miss 4-5 days of my Cymbalta will it destroy the progress I have made? I have been taking Cymbalta since Jan 13th, 2008. Please help me....I am starting AA and NA class AGAIN tomorrow and have told my family I am going to group therapy with them for support. Thank you so much, Please help me...




  1. you have to learn to help yourself and it sounds like you are doing that you sound like an intelligent person who like many others is fighting the disease of addiction staying sober for 3 years is a huge accomplishment you had a relapse make it your last you stayed sober once you can do it again as far  as the cymbalta goes can you ask whoever prescribed it to you when you can restart that's where you will get a SAFE answer PLEASE stay sober best wishes  

  2. you can't take more Cymbalta if your blood still has Meth in it. Drink lots of fluids. You need to see a doctor and have your blood checked before resuming Cymbalta just to be safe.

  3. You should be fine to take it now. Duloxetine (Cymbalta) affects the re-uptake of serotonin, not the production of it.

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