
I take everything personal, childhood trauma?

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Other than taking everything personal, I care too much about what other people think of me too.

I had a rough childhood that has made this way. I've been abused by people and I guess I'm just scared of everyone.

People always say that now that I'm older things will be different, but everything repeats itself for me.

Is there anything I can do?




  1. Your story used to be my story. But no more! I did some research in this area & found myself reading about a man who had been miserable all of his life. He was profoundly unhappy & tried many avenues searching for relief. Not a mystical person, he meditated for years, hoping to bring happiness & satisfaction into his life by controlling his brain. It wasn't until he took matters into his own hands, founded a research institute that studied the brain & its functions/disfunctions, that he finally hit upon the solution. He didn't need to control his brain - he needed to find a way to balance his brain! His institute specializes in brain wave technology & has discovered the pathway to brain balance. There is no subliminal suggestion involved! This is real, cutting-edge technology that leads your brain gently into the next evolutionary change.Your brain does all the work & you enjoy all the benefits!

    Did you know that the brain can become unbalanced from outside sources as easily as an airplane can become unbalanced by a flock of birds flying into the engine? It only makes sense, then, that our brains will benefit greatly if they could just be rebalanced when they got slammed, right? This program does just that - all in the privacy of your home. The program is genius - groundbreaking - amazing!

    I am in the 3rd month & have already made great strides in regaining self-confidence, creativity, courage, happiness......on & on.Bottom line for me is: I see everything in perspective, now. I am so aware of myself & my abilities. I am not defensive. I am receptive. I am still sensitive (this is a good thing when in balance) but not overly sensitive (this is a bad thing, causing bad emotions & makes our brains live up to our greatest fears!)

    Check out my source. They are giving away a free introductory CD, too! You can't miss out on this one - it is for real!

  2. get some help. go schedule an appointment with a coucelor, or look up free support groups to save money. they help alot. i know what you mean by being scared of everyone, so never ever feel that you are alone. contact me if you would like to talk sometime :) <3

  3. I think the best thing you can do is see a counselor, they'll be able to help you work your problems out.

  4. Things are scary. People are scary. Life period is scary. Now these days you just don't know who to trust. I am 39 now. I had a very traumaticc childhood. The only way I was able to move forward is to let the past go and to forgive. I REFUSE TO LIVE IN FEAR! There is not one darn thing you can do about the past. Except it. YOU CANNOT CHANGE IT. You have to allow yourself to heal. It is just holding you down and holding you back. You are paying way too much attention to the past that you won't and can't even see the blessings you have right now at this very moment. Life is about choices. You are choosing to allow what other people think of you define who you are. YOU define who you are. One of my good friends told me, draw a circle, put everybodies name in it that I trust and know that they only have good intentions towards me. Anyone who tries to stick their toe in my circle that doesn't have the best intentions for me then bite their toe off. You have to be careful of the company that you keep. Listen to Kelly Clarksons song Break Away. Listen to the words. It is so true my friend. Fear is a 4 letter bad word. You have to hit it straight on or you will keep repeating. I hope I have helped in some way!  

  5. Yeah there is, you do have a way out.  It's kind of a law of attraction thing, if you are constantly thinking of the past and how to avoid it then the past is just going to keep showing up.

    I can only be very simplistic due to space limitation, years of needed work can't be condensed into 2 paragraphs.

    I have a website which kind of deals with this.  See if you can find some help there, if not or if you need more questions answered there is a contact section,  Contact me directly and I can be much more specific with you.  look in relationships section and follow the breaking the cycle link, it might help.  I've had similar issues and the info is how I broke free.

    Good luck and you can break free of this

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