
I take too many Norco I need to wean off, has anyone done this and how was it?

by  |  earlier

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I've been dependent on them for over a year. I started out taking maybe two a day, last week there was a few days I took 16. That scared me, I've been trying to only take 8 a day that is what my dr. said but she would rather have me taking 4 a day. I don't want to take them at all anymore, I only take them so I don't have to feel the pain from withdrawal. I feel like it is a vicious cycle I 'm having a hard time breaking. I just need someone who has done this to let me know how it works and if it works. Thanks




  1. dear,  DO NOT JUST QUIT...

    You seriously need to go to the DR and have him tell you the proper way to take you down and ween you off.  He can give you a medication  in its place, like zanaflex or something.  

    You are going to be uncomfortable.  It is not wise to just QUIT.  

    I would say if you are on 240/month - you will probably take 3 months to get it off.  I sent you how my dr did it for me.. I rather not post ...willing to share..but I believe in safety and what worked for me may not work for all.


    It's gonna take time and GOOD for YOU in wanting to get off the meds!  However, If you have the pain, do not hurt yourself.. Pain is the body's way of telling you something is wrong.

    take care of YOU!

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