
I take too much advil! What is a healthy alternative?

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I get many headaches and therefore take a lot of advil. I'm wondering if anyone else has a lot of headaches and if so or even not what your remedy is. I'm looking for an alternative to advil or Tylenol or any of the drugs that kill your liver.




  1. i believe Ibuprofen is hard on the liver so I think Tylenol don't have that or motrin

  2. Ginger tea made with fresh ginger.  

    Marmite -- yeast extract for vitamin B

  3. I don't have the answer for you--but the other answer given is wrong. Motrin / Advil / ibuprofen (same thing) is hard on your kidney. Tylenol - liver.

    Have you seen your doctor? Has the cause of your headache been found? tension headache? Migraine?

  4. the Australian Bush Flower Essences system (not any type of drug but an energy medicine to balance your body energy system) can help different types of headaches pretty easily, but a lot are caused by dehydration or being toxic.  So drinking good water (not tap water) you can lessen the amount of headaches if the problem is dehydration (adding a 1/4 tsp of Celtic salt to distilled water is very helpful, do shake it well to add oxygen to it, that will taste better for it)

    "Australian Bush Flower Healing" by Ian White

    ISBN-10: 073380 Page 317

    Yahoo email group discussing Australian Bush Flower Essences

  5. There are various reasons for a headache.  However, I had a migraine that tylenol, advil or aleve could not help.  I took a vitamin B complex and within an hour, the headache was gone.  Plus, I felt like I was rejuvenated.

    Try this, it can't hurt you, I took vitamin B complex (50mcg).

  6. As long as I can remember I have been a pill popper for headaches. About a month or so ago,my cousin told me about this site that tells of all different natural treatments. I started taking organic apple cider vinegar 2 tbs twice a day and have not had a headacne since. Heres the site

  7. too much tylenol can be damaging to kidneys.......I have found ginger tea to be good for headaches, it has anti-inflammatory properties.

    Headaches have also traditionally been treated using some other herbal teas, prepared using herbs such as the chamomile, the lemon balm and the linden flowers-these are the flowers of the lime tree-such treatment methodologies are much more prevalent in Europe than in the North American continent.

  8. I like to go to sleep and put a cold washcloth on my forehead. I know this isn't always possible as work can often get in the way of going to sleep. But this always seems to work for me.

  9. All drugs are harsh on the liver but especially Tylenol nobody ever mentions it but Tylenol really also wrecks havoc with your emotions. Next time you take it watch yourself the next day and notice the irrational anger at even minor irritations. It is because when the liver is affected it causes anger. Now headaches and/or migraines could be caused by toxin build up and improper eliminations so make sure you get plenty of water and fiber. It can be caused by not eating enough calories therefore low blood sugar so make sure you eat enough complex carbs like veggies and fruits (not refined like pasta and sweets) which are slowly broken down into sugar and absorbed for energy. When your body does not have enough sugars for energy it starts breaking down your own body's protein muscles etc for energy and the by product is ammonia (it is also important to eat protein for tissue repair and regeneration). You also probably need chiropractic adjustments in the neck region which if not addressed causes chronic headaches. I know I used to have them all the time but since I have had adjustments I don't get them anymore except when I skip breakfast and lunch by the afternoon I got one big headache so I eat but it takes awhile to go away. They also sell some natural pills from plants like Fever Few. Hope this helps and oh yeah if you need to take pills take Alkazelster (they come in little packets of 2 but 1 is enough) you add it to water and drink it. It is really buffered aspirin which I find is the least harmful and even helps you sleep and there are no side effects the next day. Although I think it is not recommended for teens because of the possibility Rye Syndrome. Also you may not be getting enough exercise and fresh air. If you don't exhale your CO2 then the excess is converted to carbonic acid and cause problems. Our bodies are complex and fascinating and one thing for sure your body is asking for help by the headaches and you are not listening but taking pills which only mask the symptoms. So listen to it and find out where the problem originates and you will have your solution.

  10. weed

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