
I take up to 7 mgs of xanax per day and I am still anxious and shaky...ANy advice I am seeing therapist

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ONly 2nd visit with her I have been on Xanax for 5 years and have upped the dosage due to tolerance obviously, I think I also need to be put on Valium. It is sooo bad I cannot even walk into Gas station and buy a pack of gum I shake so bad! Trying to stop drinking as well which im sure is not helping! Cut back on drinking ALOT used to drink about 4 times per week now only maybe 2 at most. ANy advice please if you think I have just grown tolerant to xanax and maybe should try Valuim. Thanks!




  1. Really, seriously stick with therapy.  If the therapist you are starting to see is not someone your instincts say is experienced and that you can respect and trust, find another one.  It is hard to understate the value of therapy with the right therapist.  Also, see a psychiatrist.  It sounds like you are addicted to benzos, perhaps substituting them for alcohol.  Antidepressants are as much antianxiety meds for many.  There are beta blockers.  There are non-addictive options other than benzos, but you need to be working with a doctor who is expert in anxiety meds and off label meds for treatment.  

  2. You have deep underlying issues which are causing these problem , don't have to feel bad about it cos you're human so BE HONEST to yourself .

    The only cure to our issues is self honesty , u can try running away from it but it will only make it worse, beleive me i know .

    Apply self forgiveness with every breath and ivite peace into ya life cos you do deserve peace . That's better than any drugs  

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