
I talk to myself. Do you think this is weird?

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Instead of thinking in my head, I kind of say it out loud. I mean, when there is noone around so i'm basically talking to myself. I'll give you an example. OK so just now I was just looking at this outfit and I didn't think "that's so nice" I actually said out loud "that's so nice"

Lame example but it's all I could think of.

Basically what i'm trying to say is I don't think in my head sometimes.I say it out loud.

Do you think that is weird? Or do you think other people do that?




  1. Most people talk to themselves like this.  Its only a problem if you start carrying on a conversation with yourself.  

  2. No, you're not weird. A lot of people do that. I have cats so I talk to them instead.

    Its fine to do alone, but don't go wandering the city streets or a store and talk too loudly to yourself. People will think you took crazy pills.

  3. yes it is weird and annoying. I only talk to myself when Im practicing acting lol

    Answer mine: THE MOST AMAZING SONG OF ALL TIMES(forme):;...

  4. Only if you start to reply to yourself.

  5. Its not weird at all, my wife does it quite a bit, I don't think she realizes it though.

  6. I know quite a few people that do this.  It does help organize thoughts and get things done.  I'm always mumbling under my breath about something.  Working in a noisy environment will accentuate the problem for a lot of people too.

  7. I don't know whether other people do it but it's not weird. The only thing I suggest is don't broadcast it with the public.

  8. Some of the brightest people in the world do this...just make sure that you don't do it in certain situations, such as when others are speaking to a group of you, you are on a crowded subway, etc.

    You are a creative mind with a lot of thoughts going on!

  9. Hi Madjules

    I've been talking to myself since I was a kid.  First it was normal play - talking for dolls etc.  Now it's whatever is in my head whenever it's there.  

    I have been told I have a highly creative mind and I just accept this as a progression of that.  Sometimes I find that trying to keep the thoughts inside the head is too hard because they don't crystallize enough into distinct thoughts.  They get mixed up.  This is especially frustrating when I'm trying to write.

    Talking aloud allows me to slow my mind down and to focus.  It's a great technique for getting a handle on runaway thoughts.

    If you don't already have a creative hobby, adopt one.  Then if you get caught out in public you can say you were thinking aloud in relation to it.  Better yet, carry a small recorder of some kind and tell people you were making notes.  

    Frankly though, these days, with so many people sitting around talking on hands free mobile phones, seeing someone sitting in car or the like and appearing to talk to themselves is no surprise.  

    Enjoy your creativity and stop worrying about it.


  10. Yes talking to yourself is weird but maybe you don't know your when you are doing it.  

  11. when im alone (in the house) i talk to myself all the time! not just a couple of words but like huge sentences hahahaha i dont answer my self back though lol that would be a bit weird :D

  12. it's normal...other people might say that it's weird but if they actually think about it...what does your conscious say  to you...It speaks to you!  now if you speak to yourself in a contrary way in which you don't feel bad about it. then it's normal...  People talk to themselves all the's not weird!

  13. not really. you just think 'out loud'. my mum does it a lot.

  14. nope. not weird at all:D

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