
I talk to myself in my mind alot...does this mean I'm schizophrenic? ?

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I don't hear other voices I just have conversations with myself? But it's not like I speak to myself aloud it's just in my head.




  1. not sure u shoudl go to a professional for this one.

  2. No of course not.

    Talking to yourself helps keep your ability to communicate at it's maximum potential. It helps you frame thoughts, develop arguments, anticipate criticism and prepare for your audience.

    It can also be a very good way to vent off emotion (that way you're not being a burden on someone else).

    I think it's very normal.

    Good Luck!

  3. may be ..i do that too

  4. No its normal, everyone does it. It is a way of calculating outcomes etc, running through situations.

  5. haha.

    i do that once in a while, when i'm not paying attention.

    everyone does that.

  6. i do this i think it is quite creative i think writers do it maybe try some writing i think you Will good,  

  7. Everyone and (most likely) every other breathing, thinking being does this too. Its perfectly normal. Schizophrenics' will often see things, and hear voices that DO NOT belong to themselves. You are fine.

  8. Haha...NO!

    Almost everyone does that. I hope.

  9. I think a lot of people do that.

  10. no you're not schizophrenic i do that all the time! it's normal almost everyone probably does....

  11. i do the same kinda thing but i don't think im a schizo.

  12. idk, i do tht too sometimes. don't wry.

  13. Lots of people do it.

  14. i'd guess that you are normal.

  15. yes

  16. I don't think so. Maybe a little weird but atleast someone is talking to you.

  17. i do that too.. i have conversations with myself. not out loud, but in my head, i hear voices hardly ever and if i do it scares the c**p out of me. but i dont think im schizophrenic but i know im depressed.

    maybe you are too. or maybe you are lonely? i know ive been lonely for alot of my life and talking to myself is easy way out of it, because i can work things out with myself and i only trust myself so.

    No i don't think you are! if you are worried though, maybe go see your doctor.

  18. No it does not.

  19. no.u know ur talking to u.mentally ill people think thyre talking to someone else.

  20. Worry about it when you are starting to disagree with yourself.

  21. I believe everyone carries on an internal dialog. When you start believing the words are coming from outside your own mind, then you might have a reason to wonder. But you sound normal to me.  

  22. I'm sure there's not a person on earth that doesn't do that

  23. OMG I am exactly the same...I'm always talking to myself in my head and sometimes I'll say something out loud! seriously i have full on conversations with myself! urgh i don't think i'm schizophrenic tho and neither are you!

  24. No, it doesn't.  I talk to myself in my head all the time, and so do most people, so don't let that get to you.  I'm the only one that listens to myself.  I talk things over so I can prepare for upcoming things that need to be addressed.  It's all fine - when you start answering yourself, let me know - (I do that too) ha ha.  But you are fine.

  25. Everyone plays out conversations in their head. No, of course that doesn't make you schizophrenic. If you really wanted to get into psychology-that wouldn't be the illness anyways. I like to use this as an example...DO NOT THINK ABOUT A GIRAFFE. What are you thinking about right now? A giraffe..and you're thinking about how you can't control the fact that you are thinking about it! In your head you are talking to yourself...this is how you relay what you are thinking...not because you are crazy but because it is impossible not to. Now when or if you begin to talk to yourself out loud- or have full out conversations than you might ask yourself why that is.  

  26. Everyone does it

    I do it to when I'm thinking really hard about something, when I'm really using my head. When I'm not doing that my mind just works by itself.

  27. That's completely normal.  

  28. Only if your voices are telling you to kill people.

  29. i do dat all de time lol dont worry its just cause ders probly no one around at de time u wanna talk bout somethin.dont worry m8 x

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