
I talked to my boss. he said minimum wage did increase to 6.55 but they wont pay that untill 90 days ?

by  |  earlier

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is that illeagle? i mean. if im working for them. they have to pay me at least minimum wage? and if they higher anyone now it HAS to be right? that wouldnt be fair to everyone else if we have worked longer and they get paid more because they just started. i think what there going to try to do is wait the 90 days from the start and give that for our raise.




  1. it depends, what state are you in?

  2. The government sets the dates for increases in minimum wage, and that's when it is effective, for work that day and later.

    If you are under age 20 though, you can be paid a lower amount ($4.25) for your first 90 calendar days of employment - see

    And if you are a full time student, they might be able to pay less than the regular minimum even after the 90 days - see

  3. check with the dept. of labor and see when the raise is supposed to take affect. I would also ask them about what is legal as far as who gets paid what amount. they will give you the correct answer.

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