
I teach preschool and I would like some new and interesting ideas for end of the year program.?

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At the end of each school year we have a end of the year program we display art work the children have created and they usually sing songs. We have in the past done nursery ryhmes, color word songs, number word songs, spring and summer songs and end with a song just for the graduating class. I would just like some new and creative ideas to do with the children I try to make it diffrent each year.




  1. When my daughter graduated preschool the teacher read the book "I'll love you forever, I'll like you for always, As long as I'm living my baby you'll be"  (That is the key phrase, i'm sure the title is half that)  Everytime the teacher read this phrase from the book the kids would say it in a sing-song voice and rock their arms back and forth as if cradling a baby. It was so cute. They also did the alphabet and the Number rock.

  2. Do you have the same kids and parents doing the same things every year?  It may seem monotonous to you but if the same people don't see it year to year just stick with what works.

  3. Just do something you like, because children follow by example so if you like it, they will too

  4. If there 4 what i do is sometimes do a little play then sing a song in english and then in koren its is always a hit with the parents

  5. Add dancing or at least movement to the singing. Even if it's only clapping and/or stepping forward and backward in time to the music. This is a very good bridging exercise between left and right brain, and although they will do it for fun, it will help them with their pre-reading skills, since reading requires the coordination of both hemispheres. Marching to the music is good, too. They enjoy marching in a circle around their audience while singing. A lack of precision is no problem at all.

  6. When my oldest son graduated preschool, they had a Luau.  The kids came in wearing leis and 1 by 1 they put them on their parents, which was cute.  They sang some tropical-themed songs and some of their other favorites as well.

    When he was in kindergarten, they had "memory day".  They went through the alphabet & either sang a song that began with the letter they were on, did a dance (for M, they did the macarena), or shared something special that happened during the year (P was the Pumpkin Patch field trip).

  7. Try an Asian party and have the cold green tea... They'll love it and so will you...

  8. Lots of ideas at these websites.

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