
I tell ya, It ain't easy Livin' in the country.?

by  |  earlier

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Around my place, it is very dark. Sometimes I see man figures running Around. Also, Alot of things have been getting stolen around our area... what if they decide to kick up the crime a notch? There are a lot of girls in our area, all pretty young, scared and vulnerable.... including me. What should I do to protect myself in case... you know... I get raped?




  1. buy a tazzer and a can of mace to protect yourself

  2. Put up motion sensitive lights and get a couple of dogs. Get a gun.A 9mm semi automatic should do nicely.

    as safe as you can get without looking like East L.A. (where I'm from) They have bars in all the windows there and alarms too. I left there years ago and live in a saner Reno. Just be aware and keep your doors and windows under controll(locked), especially at night.If it gets warm get an airconditioner and secure it. An open window in an open invitation. Talk to your local cops for an assessment of your perimiter.

  3. I would put up lights outside that come on for intruders and set them high enough for the animals and critters not to bother them and i wold put safety locks on the doors alarm the doors and windows and put dead bolts on the doors and be sure that you have a cell phone as well as a house phone and keep it charged and that should help.You can ask the local sherriff to send someone out to check things in area once in a while at odd hours that will help too.A little security goes a long ways.When lights come on and they set off alarms they dont stick around long for sure.Oh and you can get those little alarms for doors with batteries at the hardware store for your own windows.

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