
I think, Patriotism is a kind of cheating people in the name of country, Why should we obey for a country?

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I think, Patriotism is a kind of cheating people in the name of country, Why should we obey for a country?




  1. Encourage patriotism and you will have an army ready to kill and die for you and the flag.  Patriotism is a brainwashing tool to stir the masses into killing for your political ideology over another countries political outlook.  We buy into this 'lets kill those evil peoples'.  We are the ones who go of and get killed, not the rich politicians who stay at the back and watch the poor be slaughtered for their gains.  rather salute humanity than a flag with an army around it.

  2. Patriotism is next only to religion in eliciting strong emotions in human beings, when humans will simply fail to see reason or logic in their acts. Patriotism, although should simply mean a sense of deep affinity with ones country of birth, has always been exploited by the vested interests to serve their purposes. Both Patriotism and Religion have unfortunately become weapons in the hands of evil people to spread hatred and bloodshed in the world. We can always expose such vested interests, and at the same time keep our sense of patriotism alive.

  3. I agree, I've always thought it is stupid to be proud of the lump of rock that you happen to be born on. The same goes for being proud of achievements of your countrymen: if they weren't your personal achievement, you have no claim on them. Reflected glory is worthless.

  4. I once thought as you do.  As I grew older I realized that, as a young person, it is not "cool" to admit to patriotic feelings.

    Patriotism isn't about asking for anyone's blind "obedience".

    Patriotism isn't about being proud of a "piece of rock" one is born on.

    Patriotism is being aware of how lucky we are to live in a society of laws.  Thankful that people are not pulled from their beds by secret policemen. Thankful that people settle political disagreements at the ballot box and not by bombing, maiming or shooting our opponents. Glad that we have a society with enough wealth that we don't have to cross another country's borders looking for work.

    There is a lot wrong with our country.  But that does not mean we should be ashamed of it.  Being thankful for our good fortune is an act of humility.

  5. Patriotism has nothing to do about the "lump of rock you live on" or blind obedience to a government.  Patriotism is the belief in something that is far greater than you or I.  

    First, you need to understand what a nation is supposed to be.  In America, our nation is a belief system, one that says we are all equal, that we all can achieve our dreams unhindered by governmental barriers, that we can pretty much

    say, do, and worship as we please.  That we, as humans and individuals, have certain rights that can't be taken away or interfered with by any government.  That belief system gives people the right to talk about it like it is silly, stupid, or evil without risking punishment from the government.  If you were to even ask this question in some countries, you would likely be arrested.  

    Now for patriotism.  Patriotism is not mindless obedience.  It is believing in the values of this nation, an appreciation for the sacrifice of others who have worked, suffered, and died, to make sure I can enjoy the freedoms I have, and that I can do my part to make sure my children can enjoy these freedoms as well.  Patriotism is also understanding that no nation is perfect, but you still love the system because it gives you the opportunity to make changes instead of living under the iron fist of a government that makes all the decisions for you.

    For me, patriotism is not loyalty to a nation, but to an ideal: liberty.

    New Info:

    What the h**l are you people talking about here?  People have sacrificed, bled, and died to provide you the freedom to say what you want, believe how you want, live how you want, worship how you want, all with few restrictions.  Are you people really so short-sighted that you can't see that were it not for patriotism and a strong belief in the values of this nation that you would be slaves subjected to the whims of the powerful?  Why is that so difficult to understand?  Some of you are taking your freedoms so lightly, but I am certain you will be the first and loudest to complain when government says you can't do something.  I am so tired of all you America haters out there.  The silent majority who love this nation and fully believe in the values it was founded upon are getting tired of it as well.  Your narcissistic views of not owing loyalty to anything but yourself is weak and destructive, so wake up and get a clue.  

    You want to talk about brainwashing, you people have succumed to the left-wing academic culture that has warped the meaning of patriotism and what this nation stands for.  I can say this because I teach college in the sociology field.  This mentality that believing in nothing except what makes you happy is sick and an orchestrated attempt by those in power to take your freedom to think and live as you want and put it into the hands of those who can capitalize on your labor and talents.

    Do you think this nation was founded by a bunch of white folks who decided America would be a great place to set up an oppressive regime h**l-bent on world domination and exploitation of the native Americans and blacks?!? If so, I challenge you to do two things.  First, open your brain up and actually do a little research and educate yourself instead of listening to morons like Jon Stewart (what kind of idiot gets their news from a network like Comedy Central anyhow?).  Second, find any society/government that hasn't made bad decisions or adopted improper policies.  Once you find that there isn't one, try looking at what some other nations have done to their citizens and you'll see we are the best one out there, and at least we try to correct our mistakes.  Wise up!

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