

by Guest59931  |  earlier

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nobody has a right to kill a baby, i don't care if the baby is unborn they should be able to live just like us. AND ABORTION NEEDS TO STOP AND IS A SIN!!!




  1. YES. i agree 100% with you;

    its murder.

    its irresponsibility.

    it's a sin.

    its terrible.

  2. your correct in my book i gave children up for adoption because i think it's murder .

  3. I totally agree with you :) Abortion is murder. It's not the babies fault is it.

  4. cHoCoLaTe_KiSsEs_xoxo,  I agree with with you.

  5. YES YES I agree!!!! I believe if you are "responsible enough" and aold enough to ahve s*x and you make that decision than you should have to pay the consequences for what your choices were...Even if the mother was raped, how is that the babies fault?? Put the rapist in jail and that's how he'll pay, you'll feel better with him gone, and if you got pregnant in that one time of having s*x it must have been meant to be whether for you, or another family. Carrying the baby would be hard but it makes you a stronger person all around.

    I think if people can come on here saying abortion is ok and should I get an abortion than it's ok to come on here and say no abortions not ok, no I wouldn't get an abortion.

  6. l think abortion is a valid alternative to raising a child that is unwanted, abused and neglected!  Do you?

    Everybody has a right to choose to be a parent or not, if a baby is unborn they are unable to speak for themselves, they are not yet alive and therefore not like us who are.  AND ABORTION IS LEGAL AND THE ETHICAL CONSIDERATIONS ARE NOT PROVEN EITHER WAY!!!

    See how there's two sides to a coin?

  7. No point to answer, you've already formed your opinion and biased on one side and tries to force your opinion on someone else. This is not a true question

  8. yes

  9. my birth mother was 17 and was offered an abortion. she couldn't do it,and gave me up for adoption.i was able to have my life,and a childless couple were able to make a family with myself and a few other adopted kids.

    so,from my point of view,i am glad i have my life,and not killed.

    I now have a relationship with my birth mother too.she is so glad she refused the abortion.

  10. i agree but i have to add something as well.

    What if that child was brought into a family that does not really want a baby and are left to look after it.

    Yes i agree that it is not right.

    But what if it was going to be born to parents that are disabled and are not able to look after themselves, let alone a newborn baby.

  11. I do not think it is murder, no. I would never get one, simply because I will (hopefully) never be in the situation where I would need to get one.

    What about if the mother was raped? Should she have to carry that child to term and then birth her rapist's baby?She would have a constant reminder of the man that attacked her, a reminder of all the pain and suffering.  In my mind, that would be incredibly cruel.

    And what about if the mother was going to die? Should she sacrifice her life? What about if she had other children depending on her?

    What if the baby was going to be born with some sort of a birth defect? What if it would never be able to see, or speak, or breathe on its own? What if it would be confined to a hospital bed for it's entire life, bringing suffering to the entire family?

    Finally, the choice to have a baby is the woman's, and nobody elses. It is HER body, and NOBODY elses. She has the right to do whatever she wishes with it.

    Please do not force yor opinions onto everyone else. I am Pro-choice and will remain so. And as long as people like you say that "abortion is wrong, and needs to stop, it should be illegal", I will always be there to argue for my side. I will respect your opinion if you respect mine.

  12. I think that you need to stop making judgments before you've had to go through that decision.  What if the woman was raped?  You still suggest that she not have an abortion and go through the labor and expenses of a baby.  Or what if the mother will die because the unborn child is causing complications? If you're Catholic (not saying you are) but I know for sure that the Catholic church says it's OK to have an abortion if the mother is going to die.  I would also like to extend a question to all the girls here.  What would you do if your brother or father raped you and got you pregnant?  I know for a fact I would not have that baby.

    From: cHoCoLaTe_KiSsEs_xoxo

    Subject: wateva

    Message: if u wanna kill some innocent babi well then go ahead...OOH AND live a lyfe of guilt that u killed a babi that could have lived, killing one of god's creatures

    I had to post this message from her.  Thought you all might want to see it.  FYI...this was her response off of my post here.  I've never had an abortion.

  13. Um, I think you mistakenly posted this question here as this subforum is "adoption" not "abortion."

    But no, I do not think it is murder and am pro-child, pro-choice,

    As for it being a sin, you cannot legislate morality or religion. What if I am the same religion as you? Then the beliefs that you may have about what is and is not sinful may not necessarily the same as mine.

  14. I believe that it is a personal decision.  While morally, I do not approve of abortion and am pro-life, I also believe that it is a woman's choice as to what she wants to do with her own body, and therefore I am pro-choice also.  My beliefs should not be pushed upon others simply because I feel it is wrong.

    My Lord is my judge.  I do not have the right to judge others.  After all, we all sin!

  15. Absolutely. A baby is a human being from the moment of conception, even if it is not viable outside of the womb.

    We lost SIX babies and the grief was incomprehensible. But we were blessed to have TWO baby boys through adoption and we now have two grandchildren.

    Abortion might be LEGAL, but in my opinion it is IMMORAL and the wrong thing to do.

    The horror stories that we have heard from women that have had an abortion have been bone chilling and even years down the road they are still having problems, physically and emotionally that have been traced back to the abortion, one even became sterile and was unable to conceive again.

  16. I agree,it is a Mortal Sin,it is just like killing somebody,born or unborn who cares it is still a sin.

  17. No, I don't consider it murder.  Some women need to get the baby out, for whatever reason, whether it be the baby's own well being or a personal reason.  I don't think it is a sin, even though I wouldn't do it.  What if a woman was raped?  You think she doesn't have the right to not want to have the child?

  18. I TOTALLY agree!!Even if they don't want the baby they should at least give it up for adoption!It still has a right to live in this world!

  19. I wouldn't do it myself unless there was circumstances that meant I would die and leave my 3 year old to fend for herself or birth defects that were so bad that they had no quality of life or be in pain all of their life.  I do believe, however, that it is up to the individual and you have no right to put your opinions on anyone else.  Do what YOU want,  live your OWN life and stop worrying about what everyone else does.  If everyone did that, this world but  be a lot happier place to live.

  20. i think that abortion is wrong because that still can be a person. think of it this way you may not be here if your mother had a abortion to get rid of you.  if you want to get rid of the baby you should have the baby then put it up for adoption where the baby will be in a better place.

  21. I do believe that abortion is wrong.  However, if the baby will be aborted before birth, I believe that it would be better than the world having to see a child that was abandoned, murdered after birth, or thrown in a trash can (which we see a lot of). So, which method do you think is worse.  If there is some crackhead that is pregnant, I'd rather see her get an abortion instead of seeing that child go through so much pain that we couldn't even imagine.  That's just my opinion.  I'm not saying it's ok!  People who would do something so evil to a helpless life shouldn't be getting pregnant in the first place.  I think it's wrong if you use abortion as a form of birth control.

  22. What does this have to do with adoption?  Obviously you are not interested in real opinions or discussions on this topic, neither have you asked a question, so there's not much point in trying to answer one.  l think adoption is a legal and fair option to many women who are faced with difficult and emotionally wrenching situations.  As far as it being a sin, that is a personal opinion, which everyone has a right to.  But l believe in the saying "let he who is without sin, cast the first stone".

  23. I agree with you on EVERY level, My parent met wile protesting against abortion!!! =) 6 kids out of that!!!

    If you did not want a baby, why were you having s*x??

    If you can't handle a baby, give it up for adoption!!!

  24. Yes maam!

  25. I almost lost my life and left my 5 year old motherless for a pregnancy that wasn't even viable. Dieing for no reason would have been a sin....

    Not everyone believes in your God and your concept of sin.

  26. I personally feel this does not belong on the adoption answers section.  

    But, I also feel you can't really judge a person until you are in their situation.  We don't live in a perfect world and until we do, well abortion is a necessary evil.

  27. And you're telling us because....

  28. YES it is

  29. Yes.  I see no difference between abortion and infanticide.

  30. I do agree it is morally wrong. However, i do feel a woman has the right to make that decision.

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