
I think Cadel Evans is too cautious I believe he can win Le Tour but I don't think he will.Any opinions ?

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yes I saw that mitch594..he reminds me of Indurain.




  1. he will win, have faith!

    aussie aussie aussie!

  2. Thanks to the exclusion of Team Astana, Cadel should win this years tour. I don't see much competition left with Levi and Alberto no there. I have little faith in Valverde. If Cadel is upset it may come from one of the young riders like a Riccardo Ricco or Frank Schleck.  After 10 stages Christian Vandevelde is looking in good form but I think he will fall back in the Alps.

  3. He is a legend with a heart the size of an elephant. hes got it in him to win but the question is is he going to push that little harder so he can get over the line.


    OI  OI   OI

  4. did you c him trooper on after his fall he was cut open every where but he didnt stop he just threw his bike away n got another n kept goin blood and all.. the mans got spirit commitment and talent he can win 4 sure

  5. I think he can but it will not be thanks to the help of his team. Lotto seem much weaker than many of the other teams particuarly when you consider they haven't done any work as yet. I think he will need some luck to win!

  6. I think the rest of Lotto will get killed when they have to lead the peloton since Evans is in yellow.  They just don't seem that strong.

    The complaints about Evans not attacking don't matter-- if he can just stay with the climbers and ride defensively and do a great time trial he's got a strong chance.  

    of course, the same applies to Vandevelde, stay with em in the mountains and then bust up the time trial.

  7. He may not win the tour but his cautiousness will not be to blame if he doesn't.

    Of the riders who can win the GC Cadel is the best time trialer (although it's looking like Vandevelde might be not too far behind) which means he has the luxury of riding defensively in the road stages.

    Stage racing is ridiculously hard and caution is almost always the best stradegy.  Today was a great demonstration of what happens to riders like Valverde who are over-confident and try to win sprint stages.

    Read up on Cunego's 2004 and 2005 giros for another great example.

    The longest block I ever raced was 8 days and by the end of that I felt like a zombie.

  8. He's right to be cautious so far - there's a long way to go and he doesn't appear to have the greatest team around him.

    Given some of the alpine stages (I'm thinking the 3x HC stage that ends at Alpe d'Huez in particular), there's a lot to be said for keeping his powder dry.

    Evans may well be the best individual cyclist, but the CSC team looks super strong - if they focus around Schleck he may well end up the winner. Sastre, Voigt, Cancellara and Schleck jnr can all tear up the elite group as we saw yesterday. Reminds me a bit of Discovery in their pomp...

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