
I think Globalisation has opened doors for a new war fare to defend other nations.?

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Not any swoard, amunation but economics! With Global Trade without blood easily the Capitalists can defeat and rule other nations through WTO is it not?




  1. Globalization has indeed opened a war between developed countries (US, EU member states, China, Japan etc.) and developing states (Mauritania, NIS, etc.)

    Last October, I participated in a debate about Export Capacity of Developing Countries and suprisingly enough, those developing countries doesn't have a chance to compete in the world market. Globalization has become the modern-day colonialism. Globalization is an idea Developed countries rallied in order to force an open market with the Developing Countries. An open market that would benefit a developing country for the first 10 years and would benefit the developed country for the next 50 years.

    Globalization is an idea spawned by western criteria of development when in fact globalization is a way for developed countries utilize and exploit the resources of those developing countries.

    World Trade is monopolized by the MNCs and TNCs that will eventually penetrate every developing countries' markets because of globalization.

    Globalization is a good thing but in the end developed countries will be ones to really benefit from it.

  2. you still cant destroy a country vire economics but you can cause recessions and economic slowdowns. look at what america is doing to cuba right now.

    Mista Ricksta what i mean by "what america is doing to cuba is how", it has placed long term sanctions on cuba reducing its overall economic growth.

  3. global trade is a competition of converting materials & methodology in to competitive productd for the comfort  of masses.Many new findings have proved all these products are not unharmful. The net out come of this rat race between capitalists could be the end of the planet.I feel Asians have a better chance to develop mind based phlosophy than material based comfort to survive the planet.

  4. It will more than likely cause conflict.  There is no ammunition, only trade agreements that cause developing nations to suffer.  Globalization has deminished the capacity for smaller developing nations to have any kind of economic advantage and this has caused their economies to suffer.  The WTO demands that governments open their economies to the free market, but honestly this hurts these countries much more than it could ever help them.  The disparity is eventually going to cause backlash and economic warfare.  The capitalists are going to rule, eventually because they are going to make everyone else capitalists.  It is just the name of the game.

  5. Yes Trade Wars.  Greed is a religion though in past it has been cloaked in religion  it has been the true motivation behind The Conquest Of The Americas for example. If it were to be separated from state made official through world  it would be gone. Under this rule religions may worship as they please as long as no harm befalls anyone else. If this ever happened propaganda would be levelled at people to convince them The Rule was evil and should be removed in entirety. If done it will be placed back eventually after people see what it is like without it.

  6. Due to the MASSIVE amounts of irony associated with her becoming America's 51st State!  *laughter*

    Gengi, America has been "causing trouble" for the Cubans since Castro came to power in the '50s.  Cuba is NOT GWB's fault!  *laughter*

    Cuba's problem is Castro.  You may want to buckle your seatbelt once Castro passes or he is deposed in some manner.

    WERE the WTO run by capitalists, you would have a point!  Since it is run by socialists from the U.N., you have NOTHING to fear!

  7. This exploitation is brought about by several means. It is brought about by the Brain Drain of third world nations (Human Capital); it is brought about by Debt and Credit lending through IMF and World Bank (Financial Capital); it is brought about by stealing the resources of the relatively defenseless third world countries (Resource Capital) and through establishing military bases and military presence in Third World countries (Power Capital).

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