
I think Hillary is great?

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Does anyone know Yahoo's censorship guidelines?

I seem to have my questions removed and answers deleted. Points taken away. etc.

Am I not Liberal enough for them? Do I touch a nerve with their Liberal mindsets?

Seriously, anything you can tell me would help.

Another question: Isn't it sad that a supposedly open internet forum like Yahoo censors so much? Why don't they let people argue it out? Are they tired of Conservatives spanking Liberals all over this internet?




  1. I hope that was just a teaser. Liberals always resort to hate and namecalling when their logic fails. It's sad that so many people have such limited reasoning and unwavering stubornness. And I am NOT conservitive,I just look at the facts and make my own judgements.

  2. You can think that Hillary is great or not great.

    It does not mater much as long as you can back up your opinion.

    I don't think that Yahoo is against people arguing things out. That is expected. But the arguments should be written in a clear precise manner using proper English with no profanities and no threats.

  3. Don;t use any foul language in your statement.

    Plus right wing idoits want to control the debate is proable reporting your post as abuse.

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