
I think Hillary is stronger than Obama in all isuess do you agree?

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Hillary has strong personality, and she is trying to make health care available for all people not for Children only.




  1. They're both running on economic fallacies that will ultimately hurt the people they're trying to help, and drive us in to the ground.

    I can stand on a stage and say that I'll make everyone a millionaire, and give every kid a jet pack, but that doesn't have anything to do with anything.

  2. She has the ability that is needed

    to govern this great nation.

  3. She's stronger in the issues that she supports.  The question is, are they the issues that anyone cares about?

  4. Strong?  For God's sake.  She has 2 Presidential terms under her belt already and that's with a proven track record.

  5. No, don't agree, she's a good example of what Obama aims to oust in the workings of Washington.  Specifics in speeches are better determined by specifics at both their candidacy sites.  She does not outshine Obama's intelligence, regardless speaking in specifics.  She's merely blowing away those easily blown away with her wealth of information and ability to retain it.  Her lifelong forte is health care, thus that passion.  How that health care would be implemented is far more important.  Comparison is essential, especially in recession.

  6. No she isnt

  7. Hillary is a moron that used NY as a stepping stone to her campaign of lies.

  8. I doubt she has any greater strength of conviction than any other candidate and even if she DID most of what she believes in is dead wrong.

  9. go hillary

  10. Do some research please, She lies and Hillary has made a lot of enemy's on the Hill and she isn't diplomatic enough to bring legislators together.

    A lot of people in Wash. have been fighting her on health care and don't care if she's the president as long as their money is tied up in health insurance and pharmaceuticals, it ain't going to happen.

    Obama's plan doesn't force the health care industries hand, it ask them in a dignified way to get on board with helping all Americans afford health insurance. It's a hand up not a handout!

    The Clinton's gave us those lousy HMO's

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