
I think I'm being followed by a spirit...?

by  |  earlier

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Ok, so almost everyday this week, I've walked into my room with nobody in it, and one of our chairs is moving. It's a pretty heavy chair and out of the draft. And, I have this constant feeling like i'm being followed, but not stalked. I'm hearing voices, but I can't make them out. Do i have a spirit following me? Or in my house or something?




  1. The feeling of being followed is all in your head.  There is nothing in the brain beyond imagination and the will to perceive being followed that can pick up the sense of being followed.

    I don't know about your chair moving, but I bet there's a reasonable and natural explanation.

    If you're hearing indistinct voices it could just be auditory pareidolia.  If the voices are distinct then you could be experiencing schizophrenia.

    It sounds to me like you want to be haunted so you're interpreting anything unusual as evidence of a haunting.

  2. Ok there are a few things that could be going on. The 1st thing is you could have a poltergeist. This is activity that can be caused by strong emotions. You could be doing these things with your mind for lack of a better word. The second thing it could be is you have an angel. My friend and I believe strongly in them. They are all over the place and they will leave you little things to let you know they are there and when you're really good you can talk to them and stuff. The third option is it's a trickster. These entities are the ones that move things and misplace stuff. And the final thing... the thing no one wants to hear... you may be crazy. Based on what you have said I would say it may be a trickster.

  3. you very well could I'm not sure though...don't know what ya could've done to open a door that severe...if you really think you do though start prayin! Get to know Jesus spirits are scared to death of Him.

  4. I know where you are coming from here.  Where did that chair come from?  Who sat in it all day?  Are you above water in the foundation?  How old is this home?  Did you know...that those devices that are plugged into the house wall socket, to Chase away mice and bugs, also works to disturb ghosts?  If you have a ghost.  Get one of those wall-cleaners for varmints.  Set up a video camera and leave the room.  You might have some fun in getting rid of whatever is causing your instincts to be triggered.

  5. Do the voices sound like they are far away?  Like coming from another room?     Or do they sound like they are in the same room with you?    When you go to bed do you feel anything pushing up underneath you?  You said you feel like you are being followed?  Do you mean you feel like you are being watched but there is no one there ?    What else is going on that is unusual?  I can not imagine why just a chair would be moving.  There is not enough information here to determine whether a spirit is with you.

  6. there must be a spirit but you never know if it is good or bad

  7. Maybe... try seeing some paranormal specialist.

  8. If people that answer here say they don't believe in ghosts.....what the h**l are they doing here?

  9. mayby

    hope it helpls =]]

  10. maybe a spirit is in that house

  11. OK. Is the chair a rocking chair? You really need to be more specific about the movement of the chair in order to establish anything unusual here. You said the chair was out of the draft, is there a draft that could cause the chair to move? Is it possible that the direction of the draft (if it's from outside) could shift and thus effect the chair?

    One should eliminate all normal explanations first. Two simple tests would be a video camera to try to capture chair movement and cutting holes in paper and fitting the legs of the chair into them and seeing if the chair moves out of the circles. Of course doing both would be great. If this is a rocking chair this last test isn't valuable but still video would be.

    Hearing voices that you can't make out could be misidentified sounds or an indication of a medical condition like Tinnitus (link below). Recording the sound would allow you to determine if it is from an outside source or if you are hearing it internally.

    I don't dismiss the idea of spirits or the paranormal in fact I am a frequent defender and supporter on this forum. However, you have to eliminate known causes first (at least f you wish to practice good science).

    That said other people have provided spiritual and religious ideas and there is nothing wrong with following your beliefs and faith. Likewise I don't dismiss prayer but I don't think it a substitute for seeing a medical doctor.


  12. Someone with some hi-test clear nylon fishing line is having a joke at your expense.

  13. Sounds like you have a spirit! Be nice and all will be well. check into the history of the house! See if anyone before you felt anything.

  14. Possibly.  If it makes you uncomfortable, simply say aloud to leave you alone and go to the light.  Another possibility is that you are finally "in tune" with your spirit guides, and those are the voice or voices you are hearing.  If comfortable, and would like to learn more there are many books about meeting and working with your spirit guides.  I personally recommend those by Doreen Virtue.

  15. i don't believe in ghosts. what do you mean by moving? like sliding across the room as you walk in? feeling of being followed could be paranoia, as could be the voices.

  16. i dont know, but that is scary.

  17. There is no such things as ghosts. They don't exist. So you are probably just imagining things. Don't worry. Nothing will happen to you.

  18. You are

  19. OK if you are then sit down by the most disturbed place your spirit friend has been , next light a candle and when it filter alot ,start talking to it ask it to stop or whatever they are stubborn at start but they come around

  20. No, I don't think you're being followed by a spirit.

    Let me get this straight -- you walk into the room and witness the chair moving across the floor for a measurable distance?  Or you walk in, and you notice the chair in a different place than where you thought it was?

    If the former, my advice is to grab a video camera and film it. It seems to happen every day, so this should be easy to do. Examine the video tape and see if you can spot what is causing the chair to move. Perhaps you have a cat that jumped off the chair as you walked in? Perhaps someone is messing with you? Just a guess. Without more details, I can't say too much more.

    If the latter, then my response is that you're probably just not remembering where the chair was or perhaps somebody moved it.

    EDIT: Thanks for the clarification. I would then recommend you make sure that it not an air current causing it to wobble back and forth. For example, when you open the door to the room, that in itself can create a draft that could cause this to happen. I still recommend a video camera to help you figure out the actual cause of this.

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