
I think I'm...depressed...?

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I just don't know what I should do. I don't want medications.....and I'm only in 7th grade. I just need a friend... because no one seems to want me any family doesn't really care and I keep dreaming that I killed myself......please help! This isn't fake! Please!




  1. Find a passion or a hobby that you enjoy thoroughly. Keep yourself busy and get involved in school activities to meet new people and become friends with others.

    I went through it too dear! Just hang in there.  

  2. when i was your age i went through the same thing i got put in foster car cuz my mother refused to leave a child molester she chose to live with him instead of living with me i want to kill my self too an it took me long time to realize that i had a reason to bee here and the same goes to you life is hard but don't give ever it may not seem like it but you here for a reason don't end now you have your whole life ahead of you plz email i am always here to talk

  3. Ruby, darling, you need a fun chat room.  It may simply be hormonal, as there are emotional problems relating to hormones.  Not saying you don't have mental illness, but hormones are raging and making every kid at the age of 12 absolutely crazy.  You just need to get through it.  Find your friends at the link below.  And get yourself out and about at school.  You have to be a friend to have a friend.  Be a friend and say "Hi" to someone.  See what response you get back.

  4. Your so down in the dumps that you think your folks don't give a s hit.                                                                                                  This killing yourself thing is a nice little way of ending all your worries.  Don't go there cause it's for wimps and i doubt that's the way you'd like to be remembered.  

    Now as much as it hurts you, as horrible and as helpless as you feel, yo've got to make the first steps to a new you.  If you really can't talk to your folks, go to school and organise a chat with the councellor or  a teacher.  They will help you on your way to recovery.  Good luck.

  5. Why do you have to be the emo girl? Are you sure that's what you want, or what you really are? Are you doing it because it fits your dark perception of the world at the moment? I am sure that a healthy, happy Ruby is a wonderful kid, and don't you ever forget that.

    But now, you are depressed. You are not just sad, you are depressed. It's when your brain's chemistry is actually affected by the stress of sadness so much that medicine is required to correct it. I realise that you're scared but don't be put off by what the media says about these medicines: we humans tend to believe that our minds are separate from our bodies, in that our intellect and 'spirit' is somehow superior to the raw physical animal body that we inhabit; however, our brain is a physical object. Our thoughts are the result of electical pulses and chemical changes: nothing more. If the chemistry of any organ in your body, for example in your liver, changes to an unnatural state, there will be pain. Don't you realise that you are often crying for nothing, that you just can't stop crying? Wouldn't you say that something is not working right?

    What I'm saying is, go to a doctor. Tell your parents that you are depressed and you would like to see a psychiatrist. Tell him your physical symptoms (exhaustion, sickness, insomnia - whatever they are) as well as your emotional symptoms. They know what they are doing, and please know that there are plenty of new medications out there that have no evidence of any significant adverse side effects, for example Escitalopram (Lexapro) has received nothing but praise. It has done nothing short of save millions of people's lives, so don't prejudge anything, go there with an open mind. Just accept that this is not your fault and you need medical attention. Good luck.  

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