
I think I'm getting the flu???

by  |  earlier

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What can I do?

I feel run down, I have a cough, my throat hurts..

someone bring me some icecream please!!!




  1. seema R above me was a real help!

    I support you, so if you really do want the flu I hope you are able to get it! :)

  2. aww is that why your cranky ...get over you sound like a MAN..eww

  3. Put the wine away and you'll feel much better.......Or, drink a bottle if NyQuil.  

    Ha ha ha there a chance it could be bird flu?

    Throw some corn out the window for the raccoons.  See.....corn is good.

    Sure, now it's the raccoons, next week it will be the squirrels, and then the are beginning to spiral out of control!

    I'm a farmboy Raven, I know how to handle raccoons.  LOL

    And you call yourself a "Judge".  I'm calling the ASCPA.

    Violence solves nothing.  You are are 'sick'.  LOL

  4. r u crazy

  5. I'd totally bring you some ice cream if it wasn't for the 3000 miles between us.  Just keep an eye on your mailbox for a package from California, and put it in you freezer for a few hours before opening it.

  6. Aw, poor Snizz

    I'll put a call out for Dr Grumples right away

    (Emergency page to Dr Grumps! Get you stethoscope from the freezer, you're needed)

  7. Those Raccoons are pets of mine, don't you dare kill them!

    I've got some chocolate, but no ice cream...sorry.

  8. Yes, my dear, you are probably going to cough up an entire lung.

    Can I have it?

  9. Would you like me to rub your chest with Vicks... and keep you warm

    Looks like James Bond has the raccoon problem in hand

    Well, I'll take my gun and go

  10. oh no, don't get the flu. I'll get you some ice cream, but meanwhile squeeze a lemon and drink it's juice with water and take a neurofen. :)

  11. Water and sleep, rinse and repeat.

    1 question: Any phlegm? Colour? Amount? Viscosity?

  12. you'll be fine, it's not like you got man flu

    which can be lethal,,, ye, the boys off home


  13. You poor baby  :D

  14. Vanilla, chocolate, raspberry swirl..

    drizzled with grand  marnier or cointreau

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