
I think I'm going to die?

by Guest58054  |  earlier

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School is tomorrow. I'm going to be a freshman. I forgot where all my classes are. No classes with any of my friends. I'm panicking.

I'm going to die.





  1. your old friends are always a txt away. you have many new friends to make. stay in school!-blurey

  2. Ahh don't worry, i was a freshman last year. It's not all that bad. At my school on the first day they gave everyone a schedule when they walked in the door, in case u lost yours. Every freshman is in the same situation as u, they know as much as u do.

    Don't worry, just ask a teacher if your lost, they'll point u in the right way.

    You'll make new friends in no time. Theres probably hundreds of kids in your school, your bound to make at least one friend uk? Plus maybe you'll see your friends in the hallway or before and after school.

    Just relax, don't get caught up in drama, respect your teachers, follow the rules, be friends with the right people, don't drink or smoke, don't do drugs, and you'll be JUST fine.


  3. Good luck with your school year, it must be tough for you.

  4. you'll figure it out.

    just bring your class schedule and a map and don't be afraid to ask ppl

    everybody is prolly panicking and forgetting where their classes are and the teachers probably won't care if you're late the first couple of days because they probably will understand!

  5. That's nice

  6. you'll be ok

  7. don't worry about it.  just get through the day, and youll be fine.  you will make new friends, and im sure ur at least aquaintences with the people in your classes, since most will be in your grade.  i have no idea where any of my classes are but im not scared, cuz on the first day, nobody knows where their classes are.  the first day of high school for everyone is a mad house!  if you need help just ask a teacher or a student to tell you where to go.  and if after a few days of classes you are really miserable, talk to your guidance counselor and they can move around your schedule so youll be with your friends.  

  8. Get to school early and scope out where all your classes are. Ask sophomores or flunkee freshman or a teacher where to go if you don't have a schedule with room numbers. Don't worry about not having classes with your friends. Just put on a smile and be yourself. Try to be friendly to people you sit by, because she might end up being your new BFF. Everyone is probably just as freaked out about their first day of high school as you are. You're gonna face times like this a lot throughout life -- your first job, the first day of college, etc, etc. Trust me. It goes by so much more smoothly if you just keep your cool and be yourself.

    Think of it this way, we could be in a nuclear holocaust under communist opposition. That would suck much worse than the first day of high school.

  9. Fresh meat!

  10. You sound like me last year!

    Like I didn't have lunch with my of my friends

    Its gonna be fine though

    You'll get used to it

    And you'll make friends, that's what I did

    Have fun tomorrow

    (Well as much fun as you can have at school)


  11. First, just calm down.  You won't die!  Teachers normally aren't too weird about being late and stuff for the first like 2 weeks.  Soon you will be wondering "Why was I freaking out?"  When you go to each class write a not on your schedule to remind yourself  where the class is.  

    Like: Math upst. lft. hall.  (upstairs left hallway)

    Soon you will remember where everything is.

    How you don't have any friends in your classes the make new ones.  Maby there is a new girl in a class or someone that you have been wanting to talk to and get to know.  Also,  You won't talk so much in class and friends won't be distrating you.

  12. good thing is usually or at least at my school if u were a freshman and came to classes late and said u were lost they'd give u a break for like a week and a half...try being a senior and doing that it def wont work

  13. it wont be that bad. trust me. i was a freshman last year, i thought exactly what you think. and it turned out to be funn;...

    good luck!!

  14. lol u sound exactly like me 2 yrs ago...i was dead scared...i was always bad with directions...but than when i asked ppl, they were soo helpful and i got to make so many friends...dont worry u'll do fine trust me.

  15. hhaha i feel good to be finally out of high school. but you shall make more friends.

  16. You will be ABSOLUTLEY fine.

    I bet that every other freshman is as worried and terrified as you are.

    When you get there youll be fine coz everyone will feel the same.

    First day jitters, EVERYONE gets them. Just try your best to relax, and have fun! You'll love it!

  17. i'm a freshman, we started a few weeks ago

    i thought i was going to die too, most of my friends from middle school

    don't even go to the same high school as me :/

    not many of my close friends are in my classes, but i know some

    people. it's really not so bad. i promise :]

    look at your schedule so you'll know your classes.

    don't stress, all the other freshman are definitely just as scared as you are. good luck :]

  18. They turn all the lost freshmen into hot dogs, like Pink Floyd's  Another Brick in the Wall!

    Your not going to die just go to the principle or attendance office and ask for directions.

    Good Luck!

  19. so far i've survived 2 weeks of freshman year. i just moved here and dont know anyone. i survived so i think you will too.

  20. if you are planning to die, can I film you? so at least i can get some money out of such an idiotic event?

  21. It's like everything else, take a deep breath and look at your schedule. You will get one that tells you what room each class is in and what period it is. Don't worry about it all will be well.

  22. "Those words, make me believe you only want

    myself, and your friends to seriously suffer the

    grief from our Loss."

    "I for one, hope to be an encouragement and a

    'Beacon of Hope' to my friends who are going

    through your similar issues, even when we are

    temporarily separated."

  23. you'll be fine! EVERYONE feels the same way as you. if you're late for class, so what? nobody cares. trust me, everyone has had to go through this stage. it's a big step, but you just have to get through it. you'll be a master at finding yourself around the school the second day. good luck

  24. Yep....   you're gonna die!

  25. First step: calm down

    Second step: freshman year isnt that bad. I wasn't that scared or anything.

    Third Step: You'll make new friends

    School for me dosn't start untill September 2nd.

    Btw im a junior in high school

  26. um i dont think ur gonna die ull just be panicky dont worry the first day of highschool is bliss lol make new friendss

  27. dont worry about it im gonna be a freshman too when my sister was in highschool on her first day she was panicking and she didnt know where any of her classes were she said there are teachers standing in the halls happy to help just take a deep breath and before u know it the first day will be over im kinda nervous to i start school next tuesday<3 hope this helps

  28. calm down, lol.

    okay, first day of school, ask the older students for directions. some students are actually helpful. or you can go to the main office and get a copy of your schedules (which will have the room numbers) and ask the teachers to help you find the way. oh yeah, and the pool and never on the roof.


  29. chillax.

  30. hahah dont worry (:

    i was in the exact same situation as you! im also a freshman and my first day was last week, i had no clue where any of my classes were either. but once i was actually there it wasnt bad at all and i found all my classes easily.

    if you dont already have a map ask someone to help you find your classes.

    relax youll be fine :]

  31. lol High school's not that scary.  You'll make new friends in your classes.  I made a lot more friends when I was a freshman.

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