
I think I'm having a reader's block!?

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i think i'm having a reader's block. for about 2 months i have been trying to read something, i start reading but after 10-50 pages i just can't go on anymore, i have already given up like 6 books. i really want to read, it's one of the biggest things in my life. i even tried my favourite authors but it doesn't help. it's not that i am not interested it's just something psychological i think. i'm so frustrated, and i don't know what to do. should i force myself and keep reading or should i wait?




  1. Try listening to an audio book instead, I find they help relax you and you can at least do something else too while its on.  I usually get my cross stitch out!

  2. It might just be that you cant get into the books because you think that you will just give up on it...get what i mean??? Try filling up your tub.......then having a nice relaxing soak.....about half an hour in try reading the first say 5 chapters of a book. If you want a book that goes straight into the story try the twilight SOOO cute... :D

    Hope this helps



  3. There is nothing wrong with having a break from reading.  If you fill your time with other activities then after a time reading will seem more attractive.  One other option is to concentrate on factual books instead of fiction.  That might give you the change you need.

  4. persistance is key. no matter what, dont give up on reading, it is a great ability. what you need to do is find somthing that inspires you to read, but make sure it is somthing small and not vary distractive. trust me, im a writer and this works. whenever you feel bored or frustrated, just reach/look/touch the object and say how "does this inspire me? if that inspires me, why did i stop reading" etc. keep it up, it takes practice and persistance, but it pays off real well.

  5. No take a break do something different for a while really go find some activity maybe you need people so volunteer for a while you to an old peoples home go to samaritans purse and volunteer there. In other words get out of your comfort zone go do something else for a while cause ive learnt that in order to be a reader peace of mind has its role to play

  6. Reading is something you should enjoy and by forcing yourself to do it your not enjoying.  Been having the same issue with writing and was told to change tatics.

    So instead of making yourself read, tell yourself that you can't for a fixed period of time.  I choose Sept. 9, because that's when my writer's groups starts back up.  You could try 2 weeks.  

    Every time you go to grab a book, tell yourself no, you have to wait until the date you set for yourself.  The idea is that you're reminding your brain that reading is something you enjoy doing and by not allowing yourself to do it for a little while it will give your desire a bit of jumpstart.

    I personally have trouble reading due to a minor LD so when I'm really stressed I have a hard time reading because I can't keep the words in the right order.  That's why I read young adult novels (or at least one of the reasons)  If you're having trouble getting into books why not try reading books that are a fast read but that you're interested in.  You could go to your local library and check out books that are younger than what you normally read.  That's what I do when I need an easy read, especially when I'm really stressed.

  7. I'd say wait and pick up the book again in a few days when you have more of an urge to read.  There's no need to force yourself to do something that you don't really want to do.  

  8. I'm not an expert on these things, but the same thing happened to me awhile ago so I might be able to help. I was getting books - new books that I had never read, old favorites, even the newest book in one of my favorite series, but I just wasn't getting anywhere. What I ended up doing was going out and doing lots of stuff with other people, doing stuff outside, and just more stuff in general. One day I came home from a really long hike through the woods with a couple of friends and I was really tired, and I suddenly got an urge to pick up a book and start reading. I like to read a lot, but I find that if I spend to much time doing introvert activities like reading, art, puzzles, etc. that I need to get out and do stuff with other people before I can really want to read again. My advice would be to wait, and let reading find you again. In the mean time join a club, call up your friends to hang out or hit the mall, or do something athletic if that's what you like.  

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