
I think I'm having feelings for my cousin. Is something wrong with me?

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Ok so 1st of all she's really my 2nd cousin. I met her @ a fam reunion a while back and we really hit it off. At first I was like, "wow shes kinda cute and nice" and didn't think much of it beyond that, but as we started talking more and getting to know one another I started thinking about her...a lot, and couldn't wait to see her throughout the reunion. I mean she's beautiful, very intelligent and shares a lot of common interests. I have a feeling she likes me as well as I can kinda of sense these things but I didn't want to make it too obvious how I was beginning to feel (not dancing with her at the dance party, not touching her when we took photos together) b/c when I like someone it can be very obvious and let's face it, it would look kind of out of place at a fam reunion.

Anyways, to the point. I know in this society it's wrong to have any kind of intimate feelings for another family member and definitely wrong to act on them but I can't help how I feel. Is it common for something like this to happen? Should I say anything to her about it? I'm a fairly normal guy but this is (supposedly) not a normal situation at all.




  1. umm honestly I am not gonna go around dating my cousins but people are g*y and people have three what is that wrong with dating someone that you are barely related to.

    I think though that it is weird. but you can't live your life going by what ever other people think is right.

  2. Thats right, you can't help feelings that you have for someone, and i don't think its wrong to have feelings for someone in your family. I think, things like this happen in many families, becuase if this person wasn't realted to you, you would make a move potentially. I dont really have advice, as how to go abou it though.  

  3. to society it might be a bit weird but i thinku guys should give it a shot. we just can't help sometimes about who we care about right. if u think ur family isn't gonna be cool about just keep ur relationship on the downlow.  

  4. Dude...are you a hillbilly...if not you are your way to be...

  5. Actually, it's not a bad thing you like your 2nd cousin. You're not really related.

  6. no, its not wrong at all, i think a cousin of mine is cute too.  Besides, what if u were to suddenly find out that she wasn't ur cousin, then all of a sudden it would be okay???  You can't help who u have feelings for, just because thier family doesn't mean that they automatically won't be attractive to you.  You could meet a girl, fall in love and start dating only to find that she is ur long lost sister.  see my point?

  7. Although your not technically related, YOUR STILL RELATED!!! I don't think it would be a good idea at all... sucks in all but seriously stay away for a while...

  8. Yeah, that's weird. Probably best for both of you if you guys distance yourselves from each other a bit so you don't fall into temptation.

  9. De-De-Deee!!! You answered your own d**n question!! Yes that shizit is weird, very weird!!

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