
I think I'm pregnant but i don't want it what is the best way to not have it

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  1. um.

  2. First take a test and tell your parents.  If you opt for termination, you will most likely need their permission.

  3. there is no best way if you willing do something to yourself to hurt the child and yes that includes abortion you will be a murderer the best way to avoid this is not have s*x or hey how about if you are stupid enough to be out doing things that you shouldnt be doing how about some birth control condoms are pretty cheap and you can get birth control pills for free at alot of clinics so what is your excuse for being pregnant if you did want to be except that you are too lazy to use protection when you spread your legs

  4. I imagine your probably young.

    I would get an abortion.

    Just wait till you are emotionally

    and physically stable.

    Stay young..NO s*x.

  5. If you don't want it you have two basic options, abortion and adoption.

  6. Let someone adopt the child. Lots of couples want one badly and cant have one for different reasons.  

  7. put it up for adoption. thousands of babies end up in the "garbage", when there are thousands of couples who want one but can have them on their own.

    help someone up and just have it be adopted, because someone will take it.

  8. give it to me.

  9. First, take a pregnancy test to find out if you are pregnant or not.  If you are pregnant and you don't want to have the baby, then go get an abortion.  You can find information on clinics that offer abortion services at

  10. Get a test and find out if you are.

  11. Tell your parents.

  12. First, take a test and determine whether you are in fact pregnant. Then, consider ALL the options in great depth. Which ever one you choose, your life will change dramatically. Then follow through with that choice; whether it be adoption, abortion or keeping it.  

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