
I think I've been recieving free gas and electric for 3 months now. Should I fix it so that I recieve a bill?

by  |  earlier

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My roommate did not have to call and set up an account with SMUD or PG&E when we moved into our apartment. We have not received any sort of bill since we've been here (for three months). Is it possible that the previous renter is still paying the bill? Can the power companies charge me later for the past few months that I've been using power? I really don't know what I should do.




  1. Just call the company and set it up. There's an old saying in the collection business, " If you're gonna be a thief, make sure you can retire from it".

  2. They will charge you back, and maybe further than you'd like if you don't prove your move-in date. Something similar happened to me. I still don't understand how. I set up my account and received three bills that were small. I thought I wasn't using much electricity and was thrilled. Then one month I got a bill that was over $500. When I called them, they told me it was a bill from the previous three months because somewhere along the way they had messed up. Something about rates for when the landlord just wants lights when previewing the home. Anyway it way a big mess in which they had no compassion. Had to pay it or have it shut off.

  3. Maybe utilities are included in the rent?

    If not, call and have the utilities in your name.

    If you do not, you will eventually receive a retro bill.

  4. ok its probaly carrying over from the last person who lived there. thats like pirating cable except its your electric bill. so yes you should probaly call and make sure it isnt included in the rent and contract.

  5. if it aint broke dont fix got a good thing going, try not to mess it up.

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