OK, so I have this guy friend who moved down to like Oregon or something and we exchanged emails, so we email each other pretty much once a week or so... just before he left my family and I went to Italy for three weeks, so I bought him a little gift there...nothing serious its a miniature of the Bocca de la Verta (Mouth of Truth), but when I got back from Italy he was already gone. I meant to mail it to him but here it is a year later and one of my friends went down to Oregon so I gave it to her to give to him and she gave it to him. I explained how I had forgotten to give it to him and lost it and stuff a couple of times in a little note that i put in with it, but now he has stopped emailing me, and my friend says she gave him the gift. I only like him as a friend, and he already HAS a girlfriend, whereas I've never even been on a date (let alone had anyone ask me out or anything but that's beside the point). I always thought of him as a nice friend and I've known him since the third grade and now we're going into grade eight this fall I've sent him an email yesterday asking, "Hey are you OK?? You haven't emailed in a while." but he hasn't replied yet he usually doesn't reply for a few days but I'm still a bit worried that I've creeped him out!!! Did I or didn't I and what can I do about it????