
I think I've got some freako after me, help?

by  |  earlier

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OK check it out... I called out this weirdo recently for repeatedly badmouthing one of my relatives on here. I can take a joke like anybody else, but they were way out of line, acting like it was hilarious if this person suffered and died, etc. So I just let them know I'd seen what they said and all I told them was that it was really disturbing. Ever since then it seems like every single answer I give gets several thumbs down for no apparent reason. I switched accounts earlier and it stopped happening. How can I bust this psycho for harassing me? Is there any way to find out who is giving you thumbs down?




  1. I've read and reread everything on here regarding the thumb thing. I don't think there is a way to see who's doing it. I have someone doing it to me too over on religion and spirituality.. Guess he or she doesn't like me and every answer I give gets  a thumbs down. I wish there was something I could tell you to help you. Maybe if you complain to yahoo directors they can somehow help you.  

  2. There's no way to be sure, but I'd just email one of the people here at Y!A. They'll probably keep tabs on your answers and be able to tell who's giving you a thumbs down.

    Hope this creep gets banned or something, best of luck!

  3. sadly, no.

    if there was a way to find out, believe me, some people would be toast on here.

    ( :

  4. Good Gawd!  They're just Yahoo points.  They mean NOTHING!

  5. No you can't determine who thumbs you down and it doesn't matter any way.  People give thumbs down for no good reason.  I don't even pay attention to them.

    I will tell you how to get rid of the person.  Stop giving them an audience. Stop talking to them and about them.  That's exactly what they want.

    I have to guess that if someone on the street were acting out and saying things like this person does that you would keep moving.  You would not stop and engage the person in conversation.  You would say to yourself, "That person is acting disturbed." and move on.  The same thing applies here.  Don't associate with people who feel the need to act out and your life will be much more peaceful.  You lay down with dogs, you get up with fleas.

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