
I think I am an excessive worrier...if that makes

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I feel like there is always something in my life that is stressing me out or that I am worrying about. Even during the summer (im in high school) I am always stressed. For instance, I have volleyball tryouts in 10 days and I am sooooooo nervous. Whenever I am not busy with something else, I am stressing about tryouts. Everything stresses me out and I even need post its on my alarm clock to remind me what to do in the morning because I am stressed about so many things that need to be done. Anyone experience this? Any advice to help me to stop worrying about EVERYTHING? And please don't just tell me to relax because anyone with this issue would understand that its not that easy.




  1. OMG me toooooooooooooooo! Lol

    I am suffering from OCD. Right now i'm worried about my hair. I feel theres something wrong when theres not. I hate feeling all depressed casue of this.

    This helps alot! Take long walks at night. When its not soooooooooo hot out! :)

    This hel;ps me alot!

  2. direct your worriness into analysis to answer why to worry.

    being mentally unprepared? or physically one?

    don't stop worrying about anything but stop unreasonable worrinesses.

  3. In my opinion you should really do see a doctor. From some of the symptomss you seem to present, you may have OCD(Obsessive Compulsive Disorder). According to WebMD

       "Symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder tend to come and go over time and range from mild to severe. Anxiety is the most common symptom. For example, you may have an overall sense that something terrible will happen if you don't do a certain task, such as check again and again to see whether the stove is on. If you fail to check, you may suddenly feel tense or anxious or have a nagging sense that you left something undone. Your doctor can check for obsessive-compulsive disorder by asking about your symptoms and your past health. He or she may also do a physical exam. It’s important to talk to your doctor if you think you have OCD. Many people with the disorder go without treatment because they are afraid or embarrassed to talk to a doctor."

    Go get yourself checked out...OCD is treatable with anti-depressants and counseling. The webpage for webMD is down below. Hope you feel better!

  4. Don't allow anything to stress you out no matter what it is because it's the enemy to your health and well being. You have to calm down and think positive about the situations and then relax and don't think about it anymore. Don't allow anything to stress you out you are suppose to be in control over your own mind.

  5. it is almost as if this stress has grown into an obsession. sometimes when people become so obsessed about things, that it starts to control their behaviour, it is called a medical condition. there are many people who have to be on medication in order to lead a normal life without all the obsessiveness. if you feel that what you are experiencing isn't normal, then talk to your doctor about it, and he can help you.

  6. Hi, I have the same problem! I think you have to see the bigger picture, and see that 'so what if you don't so this or that right, is that the end of the world?'

    People can get soooo wrapped up in the situations, but if you take a step back and realize that its not the end of the world, no one will get killed, it should make you feel less stressed out. I mean, even if you don't make the volleyball team, how bad can that really be?? (i'm sure you'll do fine!) But hey, maybe that opens the door for you to try out another sport and you'll love it!

    But don't think TOO big, or else it could get you to start thinking too negatively. hope that helps!

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