
I think I am doing something wrong? Astral Projection?

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Okies...I know this is weird(And I only want sensible answers) But When I get to the stage when my mind starts seperating from my body, I feel like my body is hovering body if tht makes any sense. But my head stays. Its like, the rest of me is floating, just not my head, which stays in my body. Is there some spiritual guidlines against teens performing astral travel? Or is it just that younger people have more active minds?

x thanks :D




  1. idk this is relig here ...

  2. Yes yes and yes if you are doing ASTRAL PROJECTION you are doing something wrong..... that stuff is out of this world, ad out of order.

    Ouch.... i am doing my best to avoid this kind of stufff.

    People come out with all kinds of fancy names for such frightening and dangerous stuff. But really..........

    IT'S ALL Evil. Honestly it is the stuff of spirits and demons.... i'm not sure if you know. But it is evil. I mean it.... Not Good.

    ASTRAL PROJECTION - is short for EVIL.

    No Offence.

    i'm not being rude but maybe your hungry for something deeper and you are into something that can do you harm or leave you scard.

  3. I think I am doing something wrong? Astral Projection?

    the answer is in the question  

  4. Hey i've been trying to astral-project too! I can't even seem to lift a finger out of my body though lol. I think it's because I have too much on my mind during that important stage between "consciousness" and "sleep". My aunt does it all the time! She's even been up in the sky! And apparently so has my younger cousin (once) after she spent half an hour praying before bed! I think relaxing every muscle in the body starting with the toes to the top of the head, slowering your breathing, and closing your eyes would really help to get you into that state.


  6. This is the 21C. Still this nonsense abounds.

  7. It's because nobody can do it. I tried for years. If you stop and think about it, you know those people that write the astral projection books would take Randi's $1 million challenge and prove it...but they don't because they can't.

  8. think of it this way , in the process of separating your astral body to your physical, you use your mind to calm your censes and as you do so your body response as it is being told by your mind this tends to complicate things cause when you calm your censes your mind is active .

  9. astral projection take alot of practice sometimes year, and yes you are correct it mind be tough since you are younger to quiet your mind.  Just try to relax as much as possible and keep trying its when you give  up that your hurting progress.

  10. "And I only want sensible answers) But When I get to the stage when my mind starts seperating from my body"

    You're not off to a good start here.

    If you want sensible answers, forget about this "astral projection" nonsense. It's just a bunch of people who can't cope with real life trying to be special by making inane and obviously false claims about special abilities.

    Do something real with your life instead: it's the only one you're ever going to have, and it'd be a shame to waste it on this nonsense.

  11. You need to relax more, obviously your mind is not relaxed enough

  12. I think its common for the head to get stuck in the body. I haven't studied much about astral projection, it's really a wonderful practice, it combines different worlds and brings peace to the traveller. But I recommend that you first study a lot and then get to have your first experience. All the occult matters must be done after the theory is well consolidated. So, keep asking questions and read books and then get to the practical part.  

  13. People who claim its evil are crediting it with more basis in reality than it actually deserves. It's harmless because it doesn't work.

  14. first off r u completely protecting yourself before travel-u should be covered in the armor of god first and be traveling in the holy spirit-what is your mission for the travel or your purpose - is it for the lord - peace

  15. theres a tecnique,picture yourself in another part of the room,what that perspective might look like.

    even as a practice,its an old phychic awareness tecnique..

    try to think of different percpectives,if you apply it to astralling,(which is just intention)-then it will happen..

    try picture yourself floating up,and think of something else,to take your mind off the intent of astralling,there should be a snap!

    your body coming back,but its in the morning for some reason that its quiet easy to astral,if you lay awake,let your mind take you some where.the more it happens(practice),the more you can control and then move up to colourful planes,and refinement.

    it becomes a celebration of

  16. You might need to focus yourself more. What I mean is, do you have a clear purpose for each travel? Try to focus on where you'd like to go, like just outside your house for starters. Then as you get more experienced you can go further and further away. You should start with a place you can clearly visualize though.  

  17. It's unlikely your head is staying - what's more likely is that the relatively robust memory traces from your physical body are trampling all over the simultaneous traces generated by your subtle body.  In the link below, see chapter 3 for an explanation of the mind-split phenomenon, and then chapter 22 for ways to get around it.

  18. you need to take some class A drugs, since it's all n the mind.

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