
I think I am getting my mom to say yes about getting a hamster but now how do I get my dad to say yes?

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I think I am getting my mom to say yes about getting a hamster but now how do I get my dad to say yes?




  1. wow... i had to convince my mom and dad to get a python at 11!

    hah! a hamster lol

  2. I have the exact same problem. I asked almost the same question and I didn't get much help. I know someone who has a hamster, when she went away, I pet-sat him and I showed my parents that I can take care of a hamster. Also, I just got a "job" walking 2 dogs that pays $50 a week. I told my parents that I would pay for the hamster and stuff myself. Then I kept talking about hamsters, dropping little hints about getting one, finding new facts about  hamsters everyday, and getting tons of books about them.

    I hope this works for both of us!!

  3. LOL i had the same problem, so well i guess if you can get your mom to say yes, (which i easier!) i think she will help you to convince dad, thats what happened for me! hope it works out!

  4. I just persuaded my dad into letting me get a mouse, I told him that I would pay for everything and I did. So he doesn't mind as Long as HE doesn't have to pay/care for it.

  5. tell him you want a pony! or if that doesn't ask for a fish and show them how responsible you can be at taking care of a pet.

  6. Here's the key to that. Help MOM around the house every time you think about it. Clean the table, the bathroom, living room. Vacuum, sweep, mop.. the key is mom, because she is the one at home. Help her. Convince her, and once she's convinced, tell her to put a good word to your dad. Ask her to tell him how great of a housekeeper or how responsible you've been, then have her convince him. Mom's need help and when a child or kid helps, mom's give rewards.

  7. show how responsible you are. tell them that you will pay for all the expenses yourself (which now makes you need to save lots and lots of $$$$$) think of ways!! =D


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