
I think I am psychic can anyone please help me?

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I think i am psychic and i have been this way for many years now.

I see a scene in my head and a few minutes later it actually happens, you could say its a coincidence but it happens just too often for it to be a coincidence.

I cant do it deliberately though it just happens by itself and it happens just too often for it to be a coincidence.

Does anyone also have the same experiences? What did you do about it? How can i develop these skills further?

Only serious answers please.




  1. What kind of scene?  If it's something mundane like someone walking through a door, or something you did that you end up doing because you thought of it, there's probably no way to prove that this is anything other than your imagination.  But if you can see lotto numbers or predict the page that someone opens a book to or the card they draw, then this guy will give you a million bucks for a quick demo - .  But if you can't control it, how do you know it's not just your imagination?

  2. I have had a great many experiences similar to those you described.  I also "see" things when I hold other people's objects. Any one of us can develop these skills - we all have the ability.  A lot of people are just too closed-minded to know that. You can get help developing your skills by contacting a local group called a "psychic circle".  This is a group which can teach you to open your mind, to meditate and to trust your abilities.  You'll have to look up your nearest one on line.  I hope that helps.

  3. This can happen a lot to a lot of people. I think it's just part of being human..although most people aren't aware of it. The more you pay attention to it..the more it will happen. Don't just go by what you "think" is going to happen..or you'll be running around trying to stop all the bad things from happening. There are lots of things that you really don't need to know...and maybe some that you do . If it happens..try to figure out if it will do you or the other person any good if you tell it. You can write it down in a journal and show them later that it happened. for me.. I try to not go along with these things. I think if it's really important it will happen several times to let you know it's  a serious thing and you should give it attention. Otherwise... don't let it get the best of you. It can end up taking time away from meaningful thing that you should be doing instead. Sometimes it gets to be a 'pride" you begin to think you have superpowers. You don''ve just become aware of an ability that was always with you..but you just didn't notice it. If it's something bad...say a prayer for the people involved and ask angels to go be with that person. If there's something you can do to stop it calmly...and don't make a big deal out of it..or people will think you have a mental problem.  

  4. it really depends wat the scene is and yes i m a little bit like u i guessed once when someones credit card wasnt working and alot of others also the creepiest time something like that happened was when my mom was in the maternity ward and i was @ home and i guessed (b4 the baby was born)that the nurse who serves dinner to the patients was named was REALLY creepy

  5. Randi is full of baloney. A professional debunker.

    A true psychic doesn't have to prove squat to Randi or anyone else.

    I have psychic events--I'll see people and think of them and know that they'll appear and low and behold I see them in a restauarnt or they call me. Several times I thought of someone out of the blue and they call.

    I have sense of people too. I was in an airport and saw these two guys and girl walk by and the one guy scared me with this vibe I got from him.

  6. Well India Rules, imagine the scene that just went through my head and imagine it being carried out. That is my answer.

  7. you are not alone.

    do you sense someone in a room when it is empty?

    sometimes we feel things before it happens and sometimes it is after the fact. sometimes it just happens.

    good luck.

  8. can u give an example of a scene. isit too horrible or is it good? anyway i believe in weird and paranormal stuffs and the weird stuff is my type. but i am not a psychic. u cannot get over ur powers easily  if u really have psychic powers. try to be calm, try yoga and meditation.

  9. 1) Meditation/self-reflection....sit on a wood floor or wooden chair. have a glass or bowl of water near by. cross your legs and if it helps you to concentrate say "ooommmmeee" clear your mind. It may also help to have a burning candle near by

    2)record your dreams in a journal

    3)right down any random thoughts....they may seem random and unattatched at the time but you may begin to see a patern

    good luck!

  10. Okay for the last time.. everyone is psychic!  You honestly didnt need to add the information because then it seems as if your lying.  First off dont think your better than anyone because everyone has the gift, everyone is just on different levels.  I am sorry if I sound angry Im just so sick of all these younger kids blabbing there mouths and telling lies.  People who usually ask questions saying "am I psychic!!!??" are usually the story tellers.  IF you are indeed telling the truth the best ways for you to develop your abilites is thinking of your own creative ways to do it.  It works better than using someone elses practice ways.  That is why I will not share none with you.  Try to reach a higher dimension too.  I personally dont know what dimension you are on but Im sure you do.  I assume your probably 4th from what your telling me.  Just try to get on a higher one.  Practice practice practice.  Love and Light.

  11. yes i believe my name and find my question...its something like: easy ten points!!? but its about me being psychic

  12. I had an experience that might be of a similar type as your experiences. In my case it was very intense and only happened once. I did what I could to try and find out what happened, but as you know, there's a lot of BS about things like this, and even the most promising theories are still a question. I'm posting a link that's interesting.

    Anyway, I don't know for sure that these things can be successfully developed. If I knew how I'd be winning the Lottery on a fairly regular basis...

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