
I think I am showing pregnancy symptoms... am I? And how do I tell my Christian parents?

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I am turning 17 in October and I might be pregnant. This may be a bit early to ask but I am terrified! My boyfriend is 17 and atheist but I am a Protestant Christian like my whole family and we all believe to save s*x until after marriage. I believe I am the first person in my family to break this. My boyfriend and I have been having s*x for well over 6 months... maybe almost a year, but we are trying to keep it quiet so we don't buy condoms. We can up with the (maybe stupid) idea to use several zip-lock bags instead. occasionally they break so we reposition them but he has never ejaculated with them broken.

A few weeks ago we had s*x for what I hope is the last time for a while (I'm feeling guilty) but I have noticed that my b*****s are sore and tender. The areola is not any darker though. I am usually very lazy and I get hungry often but can't eat big meals (high metabolism) so the hunger symptom is confusing me. I am also pretty lazy so i dn't know if my tiredness is another symptom or not. I feel faint quite a lot but I do have low blood pressure (Im not helping am I). My next period is not due for another week (I told you it was early to be asking).

My questions are:

1) Are these enough symptoms to make me possibly pregnant? I'm too shy to buy a test this soon.

2) How on earth to I tell my Christian parents if I AM pregnant? They think I am still a virgin. I have been telling them this for a while and they keep saying how much they trust me and that I am such a good girl. I'm scared to say one week that I'm a virgin, then the next that I'm pregnant.

My Mom is against abortions ("Learn to live with your mistakes and deal with the consequences) but I can't possibly keep it!!! I can't go through that pain, I'm only 16 and I have a whole year of high school left!

Please help even though this question is very long and probably doesn't make sense!




  1. Zip lock bags? what were u two thinking. surely he couldn't buy the condoms. well i'd say some of those are symptoms. but wait for ur period and try not to stress too much. if it doesn't come u'll have to buy a test. ur symptoms are also the same as when ur period is coming. that may just be it.

  2. lol zip lock bags??!! That is hilarious!! Anyway you need to tell your parents, they will find out sooner or later.. But first you need to find out if your pregnant. You can go to the dollar store and get them for a dollar. Definatly do not get an abortion because that is wrong!! And it is a sin!! I am sure your parents will be mad at first.. but they will most likely end up supporting you and the baby.. Good luck. =)

  3. U have to go to the doctor!! its not ok to make it hidden..u have to tell your parents so they can help you!! they will find out sooner or later..just tell them what u are experiencing..since ur mom is against abortions,i dont think u should keep it hidden anymore..its your own responsibility if u really are pregnant and make sure u and your boyfriend gets married right after the baby is born..the baby is innocent and your flesh and blood.(if u really are pregnant.)  

  4. Well first, you still don't know if you're pregnant and if you try to find out too soon and it says no you still could be pregnant.

    Now, having a baby is not the end of the world. I'm now 16 and I have a 2 yr old son. I still go to school and am going to finish school, if you think it'll be too hard, you really should have thought about that before you had s*x. I agree with your mother, if you've done something, learn to live with it and deal with it.

    My family is also christian but being christian, they have to believe in forgiveness so they will forgive you. My entire family supports me and supported my decision to keep my baby and they all love my son to bits.

    If you ever need any help give us a shout :)

  5. So, in all reality, you've been lying to your parents for almost a year...maybe not outright, but your conscience is telling you you've done something wrong...the wrong things being having s*x and lying to your parents.

    Tell me, how would you feel if your parents had been lying to you, or keeping a secret from you, for almost a year? Would you be hurt? Angry?

    I doubt that you are pregnant. You're stressing yourself out and that alone, will s***w with your system. Every symptom you describe, you have an answer for. (ie, low blood pressure, being lazy, etc.) So, if you had these symptoms BEFORE and you didn't worry, and you weren't pregnant, what makes you think that you are pregnant NOW?

    If you knew you were running the risk of becoming pregnant then you should have done something about it. And now, because you didn't, you may be pregnant but you "Can't possibly keep it!!!" You shouldn't have had s*x, half-assed protection with baggies or none at all.

    It's time to stand up and be responsible...stop lying or hiding the played the game like an adult, now you need to act like one.

  6. It is possible that you're pregnant. If you don't get your period, make an appointment with your doctor (s)he can do a test without your parents knowing. In general, you're parents don't need to know if you are having s*x... it's not like you know about theirs (lol).

    If you are pregnant, your docotr can help you tell your parents, or you can talk to a giudance counciler at you'r school about help to tell your family. :) Good luck. You are a good person and good things always happen to good people. :) God has a plan fo everyone, just try to find the bright side of whatever comes your way!

  7. Oh my darling , i understand you . I couldn't sleep for should buy a pregnancy test from the nearest farmacy shop and that will stop your confusing acts. Just try to stay calm because sometimes the mind is the one who regulate everything. Thanks god I am not pregnant I am sure you are not too.. Good luck darling!

  8. umm...first off you should have waited because that is not christian like, true love waits, and second lock bags !? and if you cant buy condoms then you know that God is telling you to wait...though i dont think that you are because like you said it's too early to tell but in the mean time buy a test and take it somewhere else other than your home but as for telling your mom...your going to have to sooner or later and if you dont your stomach will ! and yes if you get an abortion that is going aganist God's ways, AGAIN ! i dont know what to tell you because im still a virgin'll just have to wait to see

  9. I can't go through that pain???  The pain of NOT murdering a baby?  It sure sounds like you put your mom through some **** and giver her pain, but do you think it would have been a good thing for HER to have had YOU aborted?

    You just have to wait and find out if you're pregnant now...

    ...and if you REALLY think you're a Christian and that you believe in saving s*x till after marriage, you should make your actions line up with your beliefs and stop having s*x until you actually are married.

    You should also tell your parents that you've been having s*x.

  10. well first off before you worry yourself sick take a test.. go to your dr and get a blood test to be 100% sure.. then if you are, your parents need to know you cant hide it from them. talk with your minister and see if he'll sit with you and your parents while you tell them. you've made a mistake there is no taking that back. now you gotta move foward and do what is best for this baby (if you are prego) and your parents will understand eventually of course they will be mad but your there daughter and im sure they love you no matter what!

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