
I think I caught Weil's disease?

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3 days ago, I went sailing to the Thames river. The instructor waned us about Weil's disease. He said that it's unlikely to catch, but possible. The sypthoms are flu-alike and should appear 2 to 30 days from infection.

Now, I woke up today morning with a bad headache and blocked nose... I went to my mum straigh away and asked if we could go doctors and check if it's alright, because I don't want liver problems (that's what Weil's causes...), and I have the sypthoms of Weil's... She just laughed at me and said that's because I have been sailing and I'm ill now.

Tomorrow I'm flying to Belarus... They don't really have idea how to cure it or anything :l

What should I do, I need to get checked very quickly.

I have:


blocked nose

dizzy sometimes

tired eyes

How can I convince my mum to take me doc's first think in the morning? What should I do if she laughs me off again? HEEEELLLLPPPPPP!




  1. Tell her you're really serious about this.

  2. Yell her you're serious and need to see a doctor.

    If that doesn't work tell her you think you're pregnant. She'll have you in the doctor's office as quick as possible.

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