
I think I drank some bad water in Mexico?

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I came down with a cold in Mexico, and I drank some non-bottled water at a restaurant. I thought the 'runs' was a result of the cold, but apparently not... What is the best non-prescription medication to take?

Many thanks!




  1. make sure you don`t get dehydrated. drink a can of ensure if you can`t keep any food down.

  2. I think you should take some Tylenol and drink lots of liquids. I doubt you have parasites, unless you went to eat at a run-down, God-forsaken restaurant. If it persists for more than 3 to 4 days, go to your doctor. Maybe it wasn't the water, but the food.

    Oh, and tip: Never ever drink tap water anywhere. It is not healthy. Mexico's water is full of chlorine and other minerals. ALWAYS ask for bottled water. Mexicans boil their tap water before they drink it.

    Hope you feel better.

  3. its called Monosuma's Revenge

  4. I had that once.  I got checked for parasites but I didn't have any.  It just had to run its course.  My doctor told me to stick to a liquid diet until it went away on its own.  I drank a lot of beef broth and chicken broth and it was gone after a few days.

  5. eww i wouldn't drink water from Mexico...haven't you seen people's teeth strained?...its because of the water you should have tooken your own bottled water

  6. Its a little too late, but if everyone ate yogurt daily while visiting mexico, no one would get sick!!  You can take just about anything over the counter and it should clear up in a couple days.  If you get a fever and other weird stuff, then go to the doctor.

  7. You're gonna have to sit it out. Try tylenol or motrin if you have some pain.

  8. i don't understand why someone would serve you water that wasn't bottled.  what kind of restaurant did you go to????  geez, you just can't do stuff like that.

    if you have problems lasting more than three or four days, you need to call your doctor.

  9. Imodium Advanced caplets. Take 2 right away.

    Good Luck and drink water or Gatorade to help from getting dehydrated)

  10. In Mexico the medicine for this is calle Oxal.  You have ameobas.  Check with your pharmacist or doctor and see if you need a prescription for it or an equivilent med in the states.  This med really works.  Immodium is good for the symptoms, but OXAL kills the amoebas.  Ah...the person who said unless you were in Mexico within the last 3 days , it is not from the water is absolutely it depends on how long ago you were there.

  11. I think Immodium AD is good, but you might have to go to the doctor to check for parasites.

  12. lol everyone i know who has every gone to mexico got diarhea there..including me. pepto bismol helps and so does ginger ale. good luck =)

  13. In the case you went to a clean restaurant its because you are not used to it, just take alka seltser.

  14. Mmmm unless you were in Mexico in the past 3 days, it's not because of bad water.

  15. My husband is German, and he had the same problem, you can drink a lot of coke, it helps.  If it doesnít help, peptobismol.

    The problem could be because the water, but the food could be either bad, the same if it is a clean restaurant, the weather is very warm (so pay attention with the buffets...)

    But most of the drugstores are managed for a doctor, so you can as for any recommendation direct.

  16. Kaopectate

    pronounced in Spanish as Kayo-pec-TA-tay and avaliable in every single drugstore in the country for about 40 pesos.

    It must have been some rat-nasty restaurant if it wasnt bottle water even served in a glass. I live down here, and I don't know of even the lowest class street stall by the highway that wouldn't serve you bottled water..........

    Are you sure it wasn't 15 Coronas, 12 tequila shooters, 10 hours in the blazing sun w/o sunscreen and partying for 37 solid hours without sleep? These are the most common reasons for Moctezuma's Revenge among the gringo tourist crowd.............

  17. it wasn't the water so funny how americans cannot withstand mexican food

    at least the first time this should show that if you want the real cuasine go to the country of origin

    bless you wish you the best

    by the way people in mexico don't drink tap water anymore they only drink those from the big tinggies that you get refielled well in mexico they are fully sealed and by the way tap water is only used for washing and stuff

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