
I think I figured out my shortness of breath problem!!! Please read, and help!?

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I am anemic, when I'm pregnant, it is worse. I was put on iron pills last week. But I dont know if it is helping. Ive posted about shortness of breath, rapid heart beat etc. Well I did some research on anemia and found these symptoms. 1. extreme tiredness;2. shortness of breath;3. rapid heartbeat;4. exercise intolerance;5. paleness;6. headache;7. decreased s*x drive;8. weakness;9. fatigue; and10. inability to concentrate.

All of which I have. How serious is anemia when pregnant, I take my pre-natals and I am taking the Iron pills. Both daily. Is this a threat to my baby?




  1. It can be a problem with your health - as you are all ready noticing. It is not harmful to your baby to take extra iron.

    According to experts, iron deficiency anemia in the first two trimesters is associated with a twofold risk that your baby will be born preterm and a threefold risk of low birth weight.

    As soon as your pregnancy begins, your body's iron requirement increases by 50 percent, from 18 milligrams a day to 27 mg a day. And once you give birth, you will still need additional iron; experts recommend 9 mg a day for nursing mothers. If you're under 18 years old, you'll need slightly more -- about 10 mg.

    Iron is best absorbed on an empty stomach, so take it before you eat in the morning or when you go to bed at night. Certain foods and vitamins inhibit the absorption of iron. One of these is calcium, so be careful not to take your calcium at the same time as your iron supplement. If your prenatal vitamin contains calcium (which it almost certainly does), don't take it at the same time either.

    Caffeine also prevents iron absorption, so wait a while to drink tea, coffee or a caffeinated soft drink after taking your iron supplement. Better still, avoid caffeine altogether. Vitamin C, on the other hand, helps your body absorb iron, so it's a good idea to take your iron with a glass of orange juice or other juice that is high in vitamin C. Many women find it works well to take iron in the morning with juice and then take calcium or prenatal vitamins containing calcium before bed. If, however, the iron seems to be upsetting your stomach, switch these around and take the iron before bed when you can sleep off any discomfort.

  2. As long as you're taking the correct dosage of iron (per your doctor) and he's checking your iron levels occasionally you should be fine. If the symptoms get worse or you're bothered by them you should bring it up with your doc.  

  3. Anemia can definitely be a threat to your baby. If you are having these symptoms and especially if you have a history, push your doctor to test you for it ASAP. A lot of doctors aren't very good about taking their patients seriously, so you need to be your own advocate. Food will be your best source of iron so eat more iron rich foods. Google iron rich foods for a good list, but dried fruit and red meat are going to be some of your best bets. But please get tested first to make sure there isn't anything else going on. You don't say how far along you are. I have a lot of the symptoms you have as well, but mine come from low blood pressure and circulatory stress. I hope you find what you need, but please talk to your doctor's office and push them if need be. Good luck.

  4. I agree, you should talk to your doctor if you are still concerned.  But, if it is any comfort, I had all those symptoms in my first month of pregnancy and I am not anemic at all!  The one thing I really noticed was the shortness of breath and rapid heartbeat.  

    I am not anemic and my pregnancy is going great.  Make sure your doctor is aware of your anemia.  

    But if they assure you you're ok, you might just be!!!  I've heard every pregnancy is different, so maybe this time, you're having different symptoms.  I know it's so easy to worry about everything when you're pregnant, but hopefully it will ease your mind to know that those symptoms are not uncommon in pregnancy in general.

  5. You really should call your doctor about these symptoms if you're still having them. They don't mind, safe is always better than sorry when it comes to babies.

  6. Gosh, shortness of breath, dizziness, rapid heart rate are ALL symptoms of pregnancy!  You should have had your iron levels checked at your first prenatal appointment, and if you are taking your prenatals you are getting enough iron.  Too much iron isn't good either.

    I general, being pregnant is an unpleasant event - only a few women deal with little symptoms of pregnancy other then an expanding waist.  My mother likens pregnancy to having the 9 month flu, which to me isn't too bad a descriptive.

    Ask your doctor, don't treat yourself.  Anemia when pregnant isn't the end of the world when treated by your doctor.

  7. I'm anemic while pregnant and I'm taking prenatal, iron and vitamin c pills. My doctor told me to. Iron is very important for your little one and common for woman to become anemic while pregnant or for their anemia to become worse while pregnant.  But their might be something else causing your symptoms. Talk to your doctor about all the symptoms. You might be lacking a different vitamin or still not get getting enough iron.

    Edit- Nurse JC  is correct because my doctor told me not to take the iron pill with anything dairy and to try take it on empty stomach because anything dairy doesn't let your body absorb the iron correctly and to take the the vitamin c and iron pills together.

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