
I think I found mites in snake tank?

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I looked in my snakes tank and saw little white bugs crawlingo n the rocks and corner of the tank..

How did they get here and how do I rid of them without buying products from the store.

Is it possible to clean out with water.




  1. What you could do is take out the snake and soak it in vegitable oil and water. dont get ir in their eyes but it should get rid of the mites. Soak the tank and eveverything else in it in a solution of water and bleach. Then rince everything of really good. If you have sand on the bottom you should put newspaper on there for a while then you can go back. Water does kill the mites but not their eggs.  

  2. if its early enough i guess its possible, we had to take my snake to the vet and get an ivermectin shot. the snake can get really sick if the mites don't die. Don't buy pet store products for the mites they can harm your pet. Good luck

  3. mites are little black pin heads.....the ones you have are nothing to worry about...soak the snake, clean the tank out ..

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