
I think I had an outer.......?

by Guest59764  |  earlier

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body experience last night! Any one else had one? Can you tell me about it please?




  1. That's "out of " body experience.

  2. I have an outer body experience every day when things happen outside my body.  It's called life.

  3. all the time.  I call them dreams though.  

  4. And just what type of Vodka do you drink?

  5. once or twice. felt like i was floating looking down from above my body.

  6. I once had a dream where I was floating, does that count?

    Maybe yours was just a dream too. Actually, it probably was.

  7. what happened!?

  8. No I haven't ever had one but I'd love to hear about yours someday if I'm not being too nosey (which I probably am!)  

  9. Yeah.

    When I was delirious with malaria and chloroquine.

  10. It's called "out of body" experience.  "Outer body" means you only got as far as your skin.


  11. Funny, I can't seem to find my outer body, I must admit though I haven't been looking for it.

  12. yes i  have it was horrid, twice if not three times, a LION did it for me and said don't come back here unless you want an outer body experience.

    i assure you though it was not a voice in my head it was behind me.

    the first time i was on border forest edging farmland.

    wow, i know a presence was there but it was an eperience i had to be careul with and nt ncourage, but i did go with it  a little, bu only a little, it was so  so weird.

    never again will i i gaurantee.

    soo bizarre.

  13. well ive never had one but i have heard about them if you want to ask more people about yours and find out other peoples out of body experiences there is a site that you can post it on its called

  14. it's an 'out of body' experience, and i had one once.  it was caused by my going into shock.  my brain made me hallucinate as a defense mechanism.  i was brutally attacked and raped, and i went into shock and had an obe.

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